Vocab Words Unit 3 Flashcards
What does ‘Il est nécessaire de/d’’ mean?
‘It is necessary to’
Used to express necessity.
What does ‘Il est important de/d’’ mean?
‘It is important to’
Used to express importance.
What does ‘Il est essentiel de/d’’ mean?
‘It is essential to’
Used to express essentiality.
What does ‘Il est obligatoire de/d’’ mean?
‘It is mandatory to’
Used to express obligation.
What does ‘Il est indispensable de/d’’ mean?
‘It is indispensable to’
Used to express something that is indispensable.
What does ‘Il est lin) utile de/d’’ mean?
‘It is useful to’
Used to express usefulness.
What does ‘Il faut’ mean?
‘One must’ or ‘It is necessary’
Used to express necessity.
What does ‘Il vaut mieux’ mean?
‘It is better to’
Used to express preference.
What does ‘assez de’ mean?
‘enough of’
Used to express sufficiency.
What does ‘trop de’ mean?
‘too many’
Used to express excess.
What does ‘un litre de’ mean?
‘a liter of’
Used to measure liquid.
What does ‘beaucoup de’ mean?
‘a lot of’
Used to express a large quantity.
What does ‘un bol de’ mean?
‘a bowl of’
Used to describe a serving size.
What does ‘un peu de’ mean?
‘a little of’
Used to express a small quantity.
What does ‘combien ce’ mean?
‘how many of’
Used to ask about quantity.
What does ‘une douzaine de’ mean?
‘a dozen of’
Used to express a quantity of twelve.
What does ‘un demi-douzaine de’ mean?
‘a half-dozen of’
Used to express a quantity of six.
What does ‘une bouteille de’ mean?
‘a bottle of’
Used to describe a container for liquids.
What does ‘tranche de’ mean?
‘a slice of’
Used to describe a portion of food.
What does ‘un kilo de’ mean?
‘a kilo of’
Used to measure weight.
What does ‘tasse de’ mean?
‘a cup of’
Used to describe a serving size.
What does ‘un cuillère de’ mean?
‘a spoon of’
Used to describe a serving size.
What is ‘modèles réduits’?
‘reduced models’
Refers to miniature versions of objects.
What does ‘bouffe’ mean?
Informal term for food.
What does ‘ranger’ mean?
‘to clean/put away’
Refers to organizing or tidying up.
What are ‘Jeux de société’?
‘board games’
Games played on a board.
What is ‘la pâte à modeler’?
‘play dough’
A malleable substance for modeling.
What is ‘un casse-tête’?
‘a thinking game’
A puzzle or brain teaser.
What is ‘un poupée’?
‘a doll’
A toy figure representing a human.
What does ‘Jouer à la marelle’ mean?
‘to play hop-scotch’
A children’s game played with chalk.
What is ‘un cerf-volant’?
‘a kite’
A toy that flies in the wind.
What does ‘souer au chat et la souris’ mean?
‘to play tag’
A children’s chasing game.
What are ‘des briques de LEGO’?
‘LEGO bricks’
Interlocking plastic construction toys.
What does ‘souer à la chandelle’ mean?
‘to play duck, duck, goose’
A children’s game involving sitting in a circle.
What is ‘un trottinette’?
‘a scooter’
A small vehicle with two wheels.
What does ‘Jouer au téléphone’ mean?
‘to play telephone’
A game where a message is whispered along a line.
What is ‘un figurine’?
‘a figurine’
A small model or statue.
What does ‘jener à la cache-cache’ mean?
‘to play hide and seek’
A children’s game of hiding and seeking.
What is ‘un animal en peluche’?
‘a stuffed animal’
A toy resembling an animal, often soft.
What does ‘jouer aux chaises musicales’ mean?
‘to play musical chairs’
A game involving music and chairs.
What is ‘mère’?
The female parent.
What is ‘père’?
The male parent.
What is ‘sœur’?
A female sibling.
What is ‘tante’?
The sister of one’s parent.
What is ‘grand-père’?
The father of one’s parent.
What is ‘frère’?
A male sibling.
What is ‘onde’?
The sister of one’s parent.
What is ‘cousin(e)’?
A child of one’s aunt or uncle.
What is ‘grand-mère’?
The mother of one’s parent.
What is ‘arrière grand-mère’?
‘great grandma’
The mother of one’s grandparent.
What is ‘arrière grand-père’?
‘great grandpa’
The father of one’s grandparent.