Vocab Words All Flashcards
having mixed feelings about someone or something; being unable to choose between two
ambivalent (adj.)
an over-the-top, false display of courage or confidence
bravado (n.)
to reach the highest point, highest development, or final stage
culminate (v.)
a complete collapse or failure; sudden downfall
debacle (n.)
to make worse by increasing the severity of
exacerbate (v.)
to make easier or smoother; to help along
facilitate (v.)
cleverness and craftiness to achieve an objective
guile (n.)
treating others warmly and generously
hospitable (adj.)
totally flood cover or overwhelm, usually with water (or often with feelings/emotion
inundate (v.)
to place next to one another, sometimes for a unique or noticeable effect
juxtapose (v.)
praise honor or congratulations that is given or received
kudos (n.)
to praise, to extol, to command
laud (v.)
demonstrating precise attention and care to details; painstaking
meticulous (adj.)
extremely wicked, evil, or villainous
nefarious (adj.)
foreshadowing bad or threatening thing/events
ominous (adj.)
directly relating to the subject or matter at hand; relevant
pertinent (adj.)
a trusting and harmonious connection or relationship; good chemistry with another person
rapport (n.)
to examine carefully and meticulously
scrutinize (v.)
aggressively hostile and disagreeable; belligerent
truculent (adj.)
existing or being everywhere, seemingly at the same time; omnipresent
ubiquitous (adj.)
empty; not having any contents; extremely lacking in intelligence
vacuous (adj.)
extreme anger; intense rage
wrath (n.)
to have a longing and strong desire; to long for
yearn (v.)
the highest point of something; acme; apex; peak; pinnacle; summit
zenith (n.)
indicating good fortune promise or success; propitious (ant. ominous)
auspicious (adj.)
characterized by good will kindness and helpfulness; charitable (related: benign, magnanimous)
benevolent (adj.)
self satisfied to the point of not caring what happens; agreeable to circumstances that are often unsatisfying overall
complacent (adj.)
an inadequate supply; a lack; a scarcity; a paucity; a modicum
dearth (n.)
a puzzling or mysterious or inexplicable situation or person
enigma (n.)
not capable of producing the desired result or any result; ineffective; useless
futile (adj.)
excessively talkative in a rambling manner, especially about nonsense (related: loquatious; verbose)
garrulous (adj.)
to cause delay or interruption; to prevent from doing; to impede
hinder (v.)
functioning poorly or inadequately; weakened
impaired (adj.)
to put at risk or endanger
jeopardize (adj.)
to be weak and/or without any spirit/energy
languish (v.)
causing harm of suffering; having hatred or ill will
malignant (adj.)
an extremely self-centered and vain person who believes he/she is always right
narcissist (n.)
overly bizarre or odd (especially concerning ideas or appearance)
outlandish (adj.)