Vocab Unit 2 Flashcards
The principle that the earth and all its good belong to God ; he intends these goods to provide the things all humans need to live with dignity
Universal destination of goods
A habitual and firm disposition to do good
The moral principle that large organizations and government should not take over responsibilities and decisions that can be carried out by individuals and local organizations, and the responsibility of large organizations and government to support the good of human beings, families and local communities which are the center and purpose of social life
He careful and responsible management of someone or something that has been done trusted to a persons care. This includes responsibly using and caring for the gifts of creation hat god has given to us
Union of ones heart and mind with all people. It leads to the just distribution of material goods, creates bonds between opposing groups, and leads to the spread of spiritual goods
A teaching letter from the pope to the members of the church on topics of social justice, human rights and peace
Social encyclical
The body of teaching by the church on economic and social matters that includes moral judgements and demands for action in favor of those being harmed
Social doctrine
Treating people of a different race without the full respect their equal dignity requires
The church’s living teaching office, which consists of all bishops, in communion with the Pope
The social responsibilities that citizens owe their country and society
Legal justice
The cardinal virtue concerned with the rights and duties within relationships; the commitment, as well as the actions and attitudes that flow from the commitment, twins sure that all persons receive what is due to them
And organize social movement and market based approach that aims to help producers in developing countries to obtain living wages for their labor
Fair trade
The responsibility that society has for safeguarding essential human rights and insuring the just distribution of the earths resources, with special regard for those people who is basic needs are going on Unmet
Distributive justice
The belief that war can be prevented through the ability to respond to a military attack with a devastating counteratttack
This types of justice calls for fairness in ageeements and contracts between individuals. It is an equal exchange of goods, money , or services
Commutative justice
The good that is collectively shared by a number of people and that is beneficial for all members of a given community. Social conditions that allow for all citizens of the earth to meet basic needs and achieve fulfillment promote the common good
Common good
Based on the Latin word “pivot”
- four virtues that are viewed as pivotal or essential for full Christian living; prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance
Cardinal virtues