Vocab Unit 2 Flashcards
Name of the Ancient Greek school founded by Plato considered to be the first university
The branch of philosophy that examines the nature of beauty and judgments about it the
The belief that reality is composed of both materialism and idealism, body and mind
Cartesian dualism
Working from a general rule to identity particaul examples and applications to that rule.
Deductive reasoning
The philosophy that maintains that sensory experiences, such as seeing, hearing , and touching, are the ultimate source of human knowledge
The branch of philosophy that examines the nature of knowledge and learning
The branch of philosophy that examines questions of right and wrong, and bad
The tendency to view ones own culture as superior to other, or to fail to consider other cultures in a fair manner
The doctrine put forth by Aristotle asserting that virtue s in the middle ground between two extremes
Golden mean
A doctrine holding that knowledge is derived from ideas and emphasizing knowledge moral and spiritual reality as a preeminent source of explanation.
Drawing generalization asked on observation of specific examples
Inductive reasoning
The branch of philosophy that deals with reasoning defines the rules of reasoning focuses on how to move from one set of assumptions
A philosophy focused on scientific observation and the belief that only in the the physical realm
The area of Philosophy that examines the nature of reality
The love or search for wisdom the quest to understand the meaning of life