Vocab Unit 2 Flashcards
recalcitrant (adj)
stubbornly refusing to obey rules or orders
supposition (noun)
an idea or theory that one believes is true, an uncertain truth
clamorous (adj)
marked by loud and insistent cries, full of noise
abashed (adj)
embarrassed or ashamed
despondent (adj)
very sad and without hope
concur (verb)
to agree with someone or something
barrage (noun)
a great amount of something that comes quickly and continuously
ingrained (verb/adj)
being apart of the innermost nature of a being, existing for a long time and very hard to change
plod (verb)
to walk slowly with heavy steps, to progress or develop slowly
ostentatious (adj)
excessively showy, displaying wealth, knowledge, etc. in a way that is meant to attract attention, admiration, or jealously, talked about as a negative characteristic