Vocab To Learn Flashcards
What does obfuscation mean?
Action of making something obscure, unclear or unintelligble
What does malapropism mean?
the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with unintentionally amusing effect
What does kismet mean?
destiny, fate
What does imbroglio mean?
an extremely confused, complicated, or embarrassing situation.
What does excoriate mean?
to criticize of censure severely damage or remove
What does extol mean?
praise enthusiastically
What does aplomb mean?
self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation
What does taciturnity mean?
reluctance too peak
What does stentorian mean?
very loud or powerful in sound
What does felicitous mean?
appropriately and pleasingly expressed
What does poignant mean?
causing strong feelings
What does garrulous mean?
What does vociferous mean?
loudly or vehemently expressive
What does imperturbation mean?
What does moribund mean?
near death
What does vocation mean?
a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupatio
What does sinecure mean?
a position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit.
What does arcane mean?
What does vernacular mean?
everyday language
What does didactic mean?
excessively instructive
What does incorrigible mean?
(of a person or their tendencies) not able to be corrected, improved, or reformed.
What does reviling mean?
What does indelible mean?
What does florid mean?
flushed w/ rosy color
What does diffident mean?
shy and reserved
What does iniquitous mean?
unjust or unfair
What does burgeoning mean?
growing or developing
What does dogmatic mean?
stubbornly opinionated
What does languid mean?
What does fetid mean
have an offensive odor
What does mellifluous mean?
sweetly or smoothly flowing; sweet-sounding
What does arbitrary mean?
left up to chance. subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solely upon one’s discretion
What does estimable mean?
worthy of esteem, deserving respect or admiration
What does equivocal mean?
allowing the possibility of several different meanings, as a word or phrase, especially with intent to deceive or misguide; susceptible of double interpretation; deliberately ambiguous:
What does piquant mean?
What does recreant mean?
cowardly or unfaithful
What does fastidiously mean?
What does dilatorily mean/
What does cache mean?
store away
What does economize mean?
save money
What does obstreperous mean?
boisterous and defiant
What does cogitation mean?
thoughtful consideration
What does filial mean
have a relationship to parent could be son OR daughter
What does approbation mean?
What does astringent mean?
harshly biting caustic
What does enervate mean?
What does venerate mean?
regard w/ deepest respect
What does lackadaisical mean?
What does punctilious mean?
What does decorous mean?
displaying proper manners
What does circuitous mean?
What are portents?
What are auguries?
What are hyperboles?
intentional exaggerations
What are anachronisms?
out of chronological order
What does prosaic mean?
commonplace or dull, matter-of-fact or unimaginative
What does aggrandize mean?
to increase in size or intensity. polictics
What does vituperate mean?
speaking abusively
What does credulous mean?
naive, trust to easily
What does contrite means?
What does abiding mean?
What does impecunious mean?
What does erudite mean?
learned or scholarly
What does ephemeral mean?
What does innocuous mean?
What does capitulate mean?
accept defeat
What does castigate mean?
criticize severely
What does indomitable mean?
difficult to beat or subdue
What does noisome mean?
putrid of rotten
What does astute mean?
clever, perceptive`
What does trite mean?
cliche, or worn out
What does antithetical mean?
What does anachronistic mean?
belonging to another time
What does abatement mean?
cutting down
What does precipitous mean?
fast and unexpected
What does apostate mean?
What does liminal mean?
on the edges or at the point where one thing crosses into the other
What does magnanimity mean?
generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness:
What does magnetism mean?
What does duplicity mean?
What does fracas mean?
What is a panacea?
remedy for all disease or ills
What is an abberation?
something that departs from the normal
What does a peregrination mean?
What does cavalcade mean?
ceremonial procession
What does mendacoious mean?
What does destitute mean?
extremely poor
What does abjured mean?
What does castigation mean?
What does surreptitiously mean?
What does affable mean?
What does capricious mean?
What does umbrage at?
offense at
What does lugubrious mean?
What does ersatz mean?
What does foible mean?
What does deference mean?
respectful submission or yielding
What does penchant mean?
What does obviate mean?