Vocab Test Flashcards
organism that captures energy from sunlight or inorganic substances to produce its own food;
organism that cannot make its own food and gets its nutrients and energy requirements by feeding on other organisms; also called a
heterotroph that eats
only plants.
heterotroph that preys on
other heterotrophs.
heterotoph that consumes both plants and animals.
heterotroph that decomposes organic material and returns the nutrients to soil, air, and water, making the nutrients available to other organisms.
trophic level
each step in a food chain or food web.
•Food Chain
simplified model that shows a single path for energy flow through an ecosystem.
•biogeochemical Cycle
exchange of matter through the biosphere involving living organisms, chemical processes, and geological processes.
Food web
model that shows many interconnected food chains and pathways in which energy and matter flow through an ecosystem.
total mass of living matter at each trophic level.
anything that takes up space and has mass.
Primary Producers
also known as autotrophs, are organisms that make their own food and form the base of the food chain.
organisms that can’t produce their own food and must eat other organisms for energy. They are also known as heterotrophs.
trash or debris. Usually, detritus refers to waste or junk of some kind, but it can actually mean any accumulation of material, not only man-made stuff.
two-phase anabolic pathway in which the Sun’s light energy is converted to chemical energy for use by the cell.
ecological Pyramid
An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation designed to show the biomass or bioproductivity at each trophic level in an ecosystem.
chemical substance that living organisms obtain from the environment to carry out life processes
and sustain life.
•Nitrogen fixation
In the process of converting nitrogen gas into form that plants can use for growth
•Nitrogen fixation
In the process of converting nitrogen gas into form that plants can use for growth
biological process that converts nitrate
(NO) and nitrite (NO,) into nitrogen gas (N2). It’s a key part of the nitrogen cycle and can occur in soil and aquatic systems