Vocab Test 11th October Flashcards
En vacances
on holiday
De temps en temps
from time to time
Tous les jours
Every day
C’est génial
it’s great
Nous allons/on va
we go
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A la plage
to the beach
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A la mer
to the sea
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Le centre de loisirs
the leisure centre
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Le centre commercial
the shopping centre
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Je me douche
I shower
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Je m’habille
I get dressed
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Je me rase
I shave
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Je me brosse les cheveux
I brush my hair
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Je me coiffe
I style my hair
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Je me regarde dans la glace
I look at myself in the mirror
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Je voudrais
I would like
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J’ai faim
I’m hungry
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J’ai soif
I’m thirsty
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Vous désirez?
What would you like?
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Ca coûte combien?
how much does it cost?
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Un sandwich au jambon
a ham sandwich
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Une glace a la vanilla
a vanilla ice cream
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L’addition (f)
the bill
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