Vocab - Social et Historique Contexte Flashcards
Les allocations (f)
Le baby boom
Increased birth rate after WW1
La banlieue
Un banlieusard
Someone living in the banlieues
Une bavure
A police slip up
Un(e) beur(ette)
European-born people whose parents or grandparents are immigrants from North Africa
Un bidonville
A shanty town
Un bouc émissaire
A scapegoat
Le chômage
La cité
Housing estate
Une cité-dortoir
A dormitory estate
Un commissariat
A police station
Une décennie
A decade
La délinquance
Le délit de faciès
Act by which someone is judged by their appearance and/or skin colour
Une émeute
A riot
les Français de souche
Native french people
Gagner du terrain…
To spread…
Les Grands Ensembles
Large housing estates
Un habitat de fortune
A makeshift dwelling
le HLM
Low cost accommodation/ social housing
Le Maghreb
Area of North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco)
Les Maghrébins
People from the Maghreb countries in North Africa
La main-d’œuvre
Le malaise
Social unrest
Une manifestation
A riot/ demonstration
Les pieds-noir
Native French (or European) people who had emigrated to North Africa in 1800s and whose descendants had been living there ever since
Se plaindre de…
To complain about…
La politique nataliste
Government incentive to increase birth rate