Vocab Set #4 Flashcards
(n)- something that deviates from the standard or normal; singular
Ex: The scientist discovered an `anomaly` in her more average data that could lead to a ground breaking theory.
Anomalous- adj
(n.)- a symbolic image or idea occuring frequently in a story (sounds, actions, ideas, words)
Ex: In her artwork. the recurring `motif` of a tree symbolizes growth and resillence
(adj.)- not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something
Ex: The cheerful music playing in the background felt `incongrous` with the somber news being reported.
Incongruity- (n.)
(v.)- create or bring about (an object or a situation) by deliberate use of skill and artifice
Ex: The students used paper clips, notecards, and a flashlight to `contrive` a creative solution to the problem in their science project.
(Contrived- adj, Contrivance - n.)
(adj.)- bad tempered and sulky; gloomy
Ex: After losing at chess, he sat in sullen `silence`, refusing to talk to anyone.
Sullenness- (n.)
(n.)- the process of releasing and there by providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions
Ex: Writing in her journal provided a `catharsis` for her emotions, helping her to process her feelings.
Cathartic- (adj.)
(adj.)- exisiting in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence
Ex: Looking at the ebb and flow of the ocean made the philosopher reflect on the `abstract` concept of change as a cycle
(Abstraction- n, Abstractly- adv.)
(adj.)- able to perceive and feel things
Ex: Asimou´s I, Robot explored the idea of `sentient` beings and their rights in a world dominated by technology
Sentience- n
(adj.)- having or showing good judgement; perceiving accurately
Ex: A `discerning` reader can appreciate the subtleties and wit in Poe´s writing style
(Discern- v, Discernment- n.)
(v.)- to read something in a careful or thoughtful way
Ex: Before making a decision, Martynr decided to `persue` the job descripions carefully to find the best fit
Perusal- n.