Vocab set #2 for "The Handmaid's Tale" Flashcards
Patriarchal (adjective)
ruled or controlled by men; giving power and importance only to men
Bludgeon (verb)
to hit someone hard and repeatedly with a heavy weapon
Plaintive (adjective)
showing or expressing sorrow : mournful, sad
Incendiary (adjective)
of or relating to the illegal burning of property, goods, etc. tending to create strife, violence, etc; inflammatory.
Litany (noun)
a prayer consisting of a series of lines spoken alternately by a leader and the congregation.
Parley (noun)
a discussion, esp between enemies under a truce to decide terms of surrender, etc.
Revile (verb)
reviled, reviling. to assail with contemptuous or opprobrious language; address or speak of abusively.
Tremulous (adjective)
characterized by or affected with trembling or tremors; exceedingly sensitive : easily shaken or disordered.
Loll (verb)
to hang or let hang loosely : droop
Approbation (noun)
praise or approval