Vocab Quiz 4 Flashcards
Divided government
one party controls the White House and the other controls one or bath houses of Congress
Division vote
members of Congress physically stand or raise their hand to indicate their vote on an issue
Domino theory
if one nation falls to communism, others would follow
allows the Senate to continue its work on multiple issues while the filibuster is going on
Dual federalism
defined division of powers between federal and state governments
Due-process clause
protection against arbitrary deprivation of life, liberty and property as listed in the 5th and 14th amendments
Earned income credit
families with children whose total income falls below a certain level receive money from the government
Economic planning
the government develops strategies to guide and regulate a country’s economy
a group that possesses a disproportionate share of some valued resource (money, power, etc.)
cannot be denied to the eligible by the government
Entrepreneurial politics
policies that benefit the society as a whole or a large part of society which costs a smaller part of the society
Environmental impact statement
a report (by federal law) that shows the environmental effect of a certain project
Equality of opportunity
a view that it is wrong to discriminate against or give preference to certain groups
Equal time rule
if a broadcaster sells time to one candidate for office, they must be willing to sell equal time to opposing candidates (rule by FCC)
Establishment clause
Congress shall make no law “respecting an establishment of religion”