Vocab pt 2 Flashcards
simplify complex programming tasks by providing sets of clearly defined methods of communication among various computing components.
Application Programming Interfaces
Managing complexity by “abstracting away” information and detail, to focus on the relevant concepts.
Logical operator that ANDs two boolean values. Written as &&. a && b will be true if both a and b are true.
and operator
Written instructions detailing the functions, methods, and variables available and how to use them.
the study of computational thinking, the thinking humans need to in order to describe a step-by-step process to a computer.
computer science
breaking your program into smaller parts.
A loop, most often set with while(true), that has a break statement in the loop body.
loop and a half
Using a condition to determine which part of an algorithm is executed.
actually gives the command, so the computer will run the code for that function.
Calling a Function
The part of a function that contains the commands
Function Body
Used to make logical associations between boolean values
Logical operator
Assumptions we make about what must be true before the function is called.
a set of steps or rules to follow to solve a particular problem.
lets us repeat code a fixed number of times
For Loops
repeat code as long as something is true.
While loops
A loop that has no way of stopping, and will keep looping forever.
infinite loops
a mistake in the algorithm or program that causes it to behave incorrectly or unexpectedly.
logic error
breaks out of the current loop, without executing any more code in the loop.
break statement
lets you ask a question to the program and only run code if the answer is true
If Statement
to teach the computer a new command and explain what it should do when receiving that command
Defining a Function
Programs like this have good decomposition and make the code easy to follow.
Read Like a Story
lets us change the flow of the code.
control structures