Vocab Pages 118-153 Flashcards
To Harass, imprison, or otherwise punish a less powerful person or group, often because their view or belief differ from those of the people in power
If you litter, you will be persecuted
Refuge and shelter who are fleeing persection in their home country.
People went to find an asylum to escape persecution
Confirming proof; the process of supporting a statement by securing additional; evidence.
You need to get confirmation from the government to drive
A feeling of elation or exuberant joy
In a middle of a video game euphoria
Actual, genuine, legit; being truly the thing described.
littering in the city is a veritable crime
A worker in an extremely large bureaucratic organization such as a corportation or government.
I am a bureaucrat
The money and goods that a woman inherits whether from her own family or from her husband upon getting married
I was given a dowry
Of great value or high price; highly cherished.
My most precious pencil is a box.
Being worthy of honor and respect; respectability
I am a man of dignity