Vocab midterm Flashcards
blind contour
a drawing exercise, where an artist draws the contour of a subject without looking at the paper
the layer used to prepare a support for painting
the movement within a piece of art that helps the eye travel through the to a point of focus
comparing the angles and axes of viewed objects with those of your drawing
it can refer to the overall form taken by the work – its physical nature; or within a work of art it can refer to the element of shape among the various elements that make up a work
construction line
a special type of infinite line that is typically used when quick drafting techniques are required
contour line
an outline that defines the edges of a form or shape
geometric shape
shapes made out of points and lines including the triangle, square, and circle
shows no change
vanishing point
the point on the horizon line to which parallel lines appear to converge as they recede into the distance
eye level
The terms “horizon line” and “eye level” are often used synonymously. Horizon line/eye level refer to a physical/visual boundary where sky separates from land or water
invented texture
Texture or surface quality not intended to resemble textures found in real life
technique of obtaining an impression of the surface texture of a material, such as wood, by placing a piece of paper over it and rubbing it with a soft pencil or crayon
non-representational art
Work that does not depict anything from the real world
Non-representational works of art that do not depict scenes or objects in the world or have discernable subject matter
picture field
large areas of a more or less flat single color
to make (something, such as color or a painting) less brilliant by covering with a thin coat of opaque or semiopaque color applied with a nearly dry brush
the arrangement of various visual elements in an artwork
art elements
line, shape, form, space, value, color and texture. These elements are the essential components, or building blocks, of any artwork
the material used to create artwork
the use of two or more of the same or similar elements such as colors, shapes, or lines