Vocab list 5 Flashcards
What is an Axiom?
A self-evident truth or universally accepted principle.
There are many axioms in religions.
What is the adjective form of Axiom?
What does Compatible mean?
Able to exist or work together without conflict.
I feel that I am compatible with my partner.
What is Compliance?
The act of following rules, requests, or standards.
My compliance with my parents’ wants helps me stay in good standing.
What does Encompass mean?
To include or surround completely.
I made sure to encompass my evidence into my argumentative essay.
What is the meaning of Implacable?
Unable to be calmed.
The implacable advance of the army was stressful on our enemies.
What does ‘inanimate’ mean?
Not alive.
Example: My books are inanimate, but the stories are full of life.
What is an ‘incentive’?
Something that motivates or encourages action.
Example: My grade gave me an incentive to do homework.
What does ‘indestructible’ mean?
Impossible to destroy.
Example: The robot appeared to be indestructible.
What does ‘innate’ mean?
Existing naturally or from birth.
Example: The birthmark on my arm is innate.
What does ‘mutable’ mean?
Capable of change.
Example: My sister can be mutable sometimes.
What does ‘militant’ mean?
Aggressively active, especially in support of a cause.
Example: My dad could be seen as a militant.
What is ‘perception’?
Awareness or understanding of something through the senses or mind.
Example: Some people’s perceptions of feelings are very good.
What does ‘pivotal’ mean?
‘Pivotal’ is an adjective meaning of crucial importance.
What is the importance of maintaining a grade average?
It is pivotal to keep a grade average of 87%.
What does ‘postulate’ mean?
‘Postulate’ is a verb meaning to assume or suggest something as a basis for reasoning.
We use ‘postulating’ in arguments.
What does ‘prevalent’ mean?
‘Prevalent’ is an adjective meaning common or widespread in a particular area.
Arabs are prevalent in the Dearborn area.
What is ‘recourse’?
‘Recourse’ is a noun meaning a source of help or protection in a difficult situation.
The Grammys was a recourse for the California wildfires.
What does ‘retribution’ mean?
‘Retribution’ is a noun meaning punishment inflicted as revenge for a wrong or crime.
People talk about karma as retribution for saying or doing bad things.
What does ‘stringent’ mean?
‘Stringent’ is an adjective meaning strict, precise, and exacting.
I have stringent homework in my Chemistry class.
What does ‘transcend’ mean?
To go beyond the limits of something.
What are the conjugations of ‘transcend’?
Transcends, transcending, transcended.
Use ‘transcend’ in a sentence.
I would like to transcend beyond the limits in my land class.
Example sentence using ‘transcend’.
What does ‘transitory’ mean?
Temporary or short-lived.
Use ‘transitory’ in a sentence.
My classes are transitory.
Example sentence using ‘transitory’.