Vocab List 3 Flashcards
the middle class in France
the theory of a classless social system in which all property and means of production are owned in common; socialist theory deriving from the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
a political or economic theory in which community members own all property, resources, and the means of production, and control the distribution of goods
The Enlightenment
an eighteenth-century philosophical movement that emphasized the use of reason
concern for or devotion to one’s own nation, especially desire for national progress, defense, or independence
he working class, especially those who lack capital and must sell their usually unskilled labor in order to survive
the practice of a foreign government exercising political or economic control of another community
Social Darwinism
a late-nineteenth-century pseudoscientific theory in which Darwinism is applied to the understanding of human society, as in the belief in the genetic superiority of some individuals or groups over others
Settler Colonies
Imperial territories in which Europeans settled permanently in large numbers
Tupac Amaru
Leader of Native American rebellion in Peru who claimed to be the last ancestor of the Inca emperor
Opium Wars
2 wars fought between the West and China after China tried to restrict the importation of foreign goods, especially opium
Chinese Exclusion Act
US law which prohibited almost all immigration from China
Abolition Movement
An international movement that condemned slavery as morally repugnant and tried to end the practice
Meiji Restoration
The Samurai in Japan led a takeover eliminating the shogun, giving power to the emperor, and sought to transform and industrialize Japan
Economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit
Self-Strengthening Movement
China’s program of internal reform based on traditional principles and limited borrowing from the West
Tanzimat Reforms
Reforms in the Ottoman Empire meant to modernize the theocratic government
Taiping Rebellion
Chinese rebellion against the Qing dynasty
Cult of Domesticity
A social system designed to limit women’s sphere of influence to home and family
Berlin Conference
A series of negotiations of European nations of who would control the land in the Congo River basin in Central Africa
Boxer Rebellion
Anti-foreign movement led by Chinese militia in which large numbers of Europeans and Chinese Christians were killed
one who purchases goods or services
a form of government in which power ultimately rests with the people, either directly or through elected representatives
Ethnic nationalism
a form of nationalism wherein the nation is defined by a shared heritage, which usually includes a common language, a common faith, and a common ethnic ancestry
the body of beliefs, symbols, and political and social aims that characterize a particular group or institution
one who believes in a progressive political philosophy, which favors government promotion of social change and the importance of individual liberty
a state or nation where supreme political power is exercised by elected representatives acting in the name of the people
the right to vote in a political election
to leave one country or region, usually the country of origin, in order to settle in another
how humans move from one place to another
the policy of extending the rule or authority of one nation over others by territorial acquisition or through economic or political dominance
the act or process of making amends for wrongdoing or injury; payment required of a defeated nation by the victors, for damages, alleged atrocities, or other injury
Economic imperialism
The domination of a country’s economy by a foreign nation
The statistical information about human populations
The growth of cities and people’s movement to them
Indentured Servitude
form of labor where an individual is under contract to work without a salary to repay an indenture or loan
Ethnic Enclaves
geographic area with high ethnic concentration, characteristic cultural identity, and economic activity.