Vocab List 2 Flashcards
Acquisitive (adj.)
Able to get and retain ideas or information; concerned with acquiring wealth or property
Arrogate (v.)
To claim or take without right
Banal (adj.)
Hackneyed, trite, commonplace, worn out, too common
Belabor (v.)
To work on excessively, to thrash soundly
Carping (adj.) and (n.)
Tending to find fault, especially in petty, nasty, or hairsplitting way; (n.) petty, nagging criticism
Coherent (adj.)
Holding or sticking together, making a logical whole, comprehensible, meaningful
Congeal (v.)
To change from liquid to solid, thicken; to make inflexible or rigid
Emulate (v.)
To imitate with the intent of equaling or surpassing the model
Encomium (n.)
A formal expression of praise, a lavish tribute
Eschew (v.)
To avoid, shun, keep away from
Germane (adj.)
Relevant, appropriate, apropos, fitting
Insatiable (adj.)
So great or demanding as not to be satisfied
Intransigent ( adj.)
Refusing to compromise; irreconcilable
Invidious (adj.)
Offensive, hateful; trending to cause bitterness and resentment
Largesse (n.)
Generosity in giving, lavish or bountiful contributions