Vocab List 2 Flashcards
[dih-fen-duhnt ]
Law. a person, company, etc., against whom a claim or charge is brought in a court
eluding clear perception or complete mental grasp; hard to express or define:
[ek-sploit, ik-sploit]
to utilize, especially for profit; turn to practical account.
to use selfishly for one’s own ends
in·teg·ri·ty [in-teg-ri-tee]
adherence to moral and ethical principles;
sound, unimpaired, or perfect condition:
- a person who is new to the circumstances, work, etc., in which he or she is placed; beginner;
- a person who has been received into a religious order or congregation for a period of probation before taking vows.
adjective and noun
1.adjective - wastefully or recklessly extravagant:
2 noun - a person who spends, or has spent, his or her money or substance with wasteful extravagance; spendthrift.
an excavation or pit, usually open to the air, from which building stone, slate, or the like, is obtained by cutting, blasting, etc.
a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly.
an act of giving the opposite point of view, as in a debate
verb (used with object)
to withdraw or disavow (a statement, opinion, etc.), especially formally; retract.
the act of offering or suggesting something for acceptance, adoption, or performance.
to supply with anything to excess, so as to disgust or weary
a malicious, false, and defamatory statement or report
a person who spends possessions or money extravagantly or wastefully; prodigal.
[swin-dl] noun
- to cheat (a person, business, etc.) out of money or other assets.
- to obtain by fraud or deceit.
1 habit of mind, especially with respect to irritability or patience, outbursts of anger, or the like; disposition: an even temper.
2 . heat of mind or passion, shown in outbursts of anger, resentment, etc.
verb (used with object)
1.to bring to an end; put an end to: to terminate an agreement
- a student who stays away from school without permission.
2. a person who shirks or neglects his or her duty.
verb (used with object)
to shorten by cutting off a part; cut short:
verb (used with object),.
1 to prove the truth of, as by evidence or testimony; confirm; substantiate:
- to ascertain the truth or correctness of, as by examination, research, or comparison:
- to act as ultimate proof or evidence of; serve to confirm.
- deep longing, especially when accompanied by tenderness or sadness:
- an instance of such longing.
What word fits in these sentences?
But he is a famous film actor who feeds a popular ***** for heroes, even fictional ones.
Blogs and news sites across the web host message boards ** for your commentary.
What word fits into these sentences?
But you should **and validate the end products of their promises.
Field trials to **the results of earlier lab and greenhouse studies have shown good results.
In both cases the researchers were able to **mutation rates and relatedness measures.
Measure for equal diagonal dimensions to **that the structure will be square.
He was under no professional sense of duty to look up and ****his references, and he regularly omitted to do it.
The key is to **book ownership and to let the reader unlock other versions.
Which word fits into these sentences?
Comments are useless and easily misunderstood if you ** the conclusions.
To *** a long and tedious story, it has not so far succeeded.
Unfortunately, anthologies *** selections, but often excerpts can move us to read works in their entirety.
The number you’re left with is called a *** of the first number because it is shortened.
Which word fits into these sentences?
Rios did catch up on the assignments he had missed, with the help of a teacher at the school from which he had long been .
The first tour of the season to discover and report ** school-boys was made yesterday by the agents.
By then, the days were long gone when *** officers had prowled the streets and visited homes to pick up hooky players.
Which word fits into these sentences?
The district court has discretion whether to ** a consent decree.
The public-works minister resigned rather than *** the contracts.
For other letters the service scratches *** where the incisions begin.
By medical definition, the pills block rather than ** pregnancy.
Which word fits into these sentences?
Recessions tend to ** ambitions, and it appears that even inaugural ceremonies may be on the chopping block at some colleges.
Governments seem unable to use budgets to *** recessions.
His large size and uncertain *** make him well respected by the other chimpanzees.
Let scientific ** govern the social aspirations of science and benefit humanity in its total development.
Which word fits into these sentences?
Their duties range from checking that market traders do not ** customers to tracking down brothels.
The corresponding *** relating to economics takes place outside of economic theory proper.
And consider that government-backed standards in the credit card banking sector have already proved futile, one *** at a time.
It would be explosive if high pay continued to be seen as a **.
Which word fits into these sentences?
His ***** ways with our money were replaced with miserly ways with his own.
***** provisions often prevent a beneficiary from selling or transferring their ownership interest in the trust.
And politicians, ***** as some may be, are not the main source of the problem.
But new data seem to show that people are not nearly as ***** and heedless of the future as is commonly believed.
Which word fits into these sentences?
It is a cruel * to say that the race will not work, except on compulsion.
Using *** is really not an intelligent way to bolster your own argument.
It is a crime to incite a riot, for instance, as it is to libel or *** someone.
The accusations that both got their jobs through cronyism approaches **.
He was called ignorant by some fool and he sued them for **.
Which word fits into these sentences?
His first week’s experience has given him plenty of meat to ** his hunger for broad social observations.
Adding a few nuts as snacks before you eat your main meals will ** you..
Yes, it will ***** curiosities, possibly even some of yours.
Which word fits into these sentences?
Several refused to *** formally, only making statements that they were no longer sure.
He had to publicly ** his critical remarks about her.
Many detainees were required to ** their religious beliefs as a precondition of release.
Which word fits into this sentence?
There is a theory and a ** for every point you make as well as the other side.
If luncheon meats are to be your *** for scientifically sound arguments, your point of view is dead meat.
It’s actually this author’s *** to the precautionary principle that is weak.
Frank offered no **, but the answer he could have made is so obvious.
Which word fits into this sentence?
The book grew less out of the literary ambitions of its author than out of her marvelous skills as a **.
And his friends knew him as a highly entertaining mimic and **.
As a **** he has few rivals for his fund of anecdotes seem inexhaustible and his manner of telling the tales fascinating.
Which word fits into these sentences?
Three other prisoners who were on the ledge escaped injury by leaping 40 feet into a sandpit.
Pavers and **tile are designed especially for heavy-duty floor use.
The students participated in an archaeological dig at a lime **here.
It’s an old **turned into a horticultural dreamscape.
And it can be dangerous, say, if an enemy strikes while the snake’s coiled around its ***.
Which word fits into these sentences?
Players searched for a good pickup game, owners digested a new **and each side anxiously awaited an arbitration decision.
It is unclear how much of the jobs ***will get enacted given the acrimony between the two political parties.
If the ***were put into legislation, that key question would have to be answered.
The actual monitoring system **doesn’t actually require much new from industrialized countries.
Which word fits into these sentences?
It was not a ’s return to neoconservatism, from one simplicity to another.
They left others to gather up the flowers which they scattered with a **hand.
At a garden party the food is often much more *** than at a tea in town.
The future of the city is, in great measure, in the hands of these **sons and daughters.
She had been **of all her resources, money and energy and imaginative stratagems and loving kindness.
Which word fits into these sentences?
In any case, my question is about whether or not I should collect restitution from the .
The most contentious part of the bill is the proposal to allow juries to be told of a **’s criminal record.
Toss in a poignant midlife romance and an innocent, put-upon **, and you have a novel with wide appeal.
If the **elects to waive his constitutional rights, the burden of establishing that waiver is on the prosecution.
The ***had spent weeks in jail pre-trail.
Which word fits into these sentences?
He was inspired by the idea that the plots of movies could be so mysterious, **, and unpredictable.
It can be difficult to find the ***online job.
We have finally caught up to our ***prey.
The paintings are by turns austere and voluptuous, evocative and ***.
Human memory can be maddeningly ***.
So go ahead and educate me as to its seemingly **advantages.
Which word fits into these sentences?
The rich and famous can hire the best lawyers, employ their own investigators and **the media to their advantage.
The power of the universe is waiting for you to ***it.
They continue to over- ***all the island’s resources.
Maintain command of the seas and the ability to ***naval power on the periphery of the Eurasian land mass.
New studies reveal how cells ***biochemical randomness .
It was an opportunity for us to **that situation to our advantage.
Which word fits into these sentences?
To maintain the ** of the house, the owners had the walls repaired with plaster, not drywall.
But once he began to speak, what people sensed was his **.
His operation can’t get much bigger and still maintain its environmental and ethical **.
He had the courage and **to openly state his beliefs and the guts to shoulder the consequences of his actions.
Identifying performers in film as veterans became a narrative short-cut, a quick way to establish their **.
The **of the product and the skill of the distiller are second to none.
Which word fits into these sentences?
But ** learners often need to see good learning and critical thinking behavior modeled.
Dirt bike parks generally cater to **and amateur riders with some trails available for expert riders.
Before the ***** has time to retaliate, the auction closes.