Vocab - Legal Flashcards
written statement of facts made under oath
someone who signs an affidavit
aggravating circumstances
considerations which increase a sentence in criminal cases
mitigating circumstances
considerations which decrease a sentence in criminal cases
formal statement by CONVICTED defendant as to whether there is any reason judgment should not be rendered against him
- when sentencing bargain is agreed to in exchange for a guilty plea, defendant must admit guilt
dispute mediation by impartial third party
bringing accused person to court to plea to a criminal charge
bail - own recognizance
commonly referred to as amount of money deposited as form of collateral to guarantee person charged with crime will appear in court when scheduled
bench conference
discussion between attorneys and judge outside the hearing of a courtroom audience/jury
- may or may not be on the record
bench warrant
authority to find and bring to court someone who has failed to appear
trial of certain issues separately (like guilt/penalty or complaint/damages)
black letter law
basic principles of law, especially when published in statutes
Literal statements in the statutes
Black’s Law Dictionary
standard legal reference work
- includes abbreviations
standard of evidence
how much evidence is needed to bear the burden of proof
case in chief
primary presentation of evidence by a party
case law
printed decisions and opinions of appellate jurisdictions
writ of certiorari
appellate court order (especially Supreme Court) granting hearing to appellant
- if granted, lower court is ordered to provide certified record of the case for appellate judges to review
chain of custody
record showing proper maintenance of “real” evidence (such as narcotics or weapons), as opposed to mere documents
objection to having someone serve as a juror
- may be for cause or peremptory (no reason given)
judge’s office in a courthouse
charge to the jury
instructions from judge concerning the law which governs a case
article of personal or movable property
circuit court of appeal
federal appellate level immediately below the Supreme Court
cloud on title
claim or lien which impairs owner’s otherwise free right to use his property
to remove such a claim, an action is brought to QUIET TITLE
collateral estoppel
bar to re-litigating an issue that has already been tried between the same parties
common law
customary, old, or “judge-made” law, as opposed to “positive” or statutory law
conflict of interest
conflict between private interests and public obligations of someone in position of authority or trust
confront accusers
right of person accused of a crime to face those making the accusation
willfully disobeying a court order
obstructing a court’s functions or lessening its dignity
court minutes
summary records of events in a case
- kept by the court clerk
jury unable to agree on a verdict
one having interest in a matter who makes an unsworn statement
- this statement is a DECLARATION
assertion by defendant that although certain facts alleged against them may be true, they do not entitle the plaintiff to prevail
dismissed with prejudice
case cannot be brought again
dismissed without prejudice
case can be brought again when appropriate
change or correct to improve the quality of a document
induce someone to commit a crime who otherwise would not commit one
branch of law dealing with specific cases, not just general rules
estoppel - collateral estoppel
bar/impediment to prevent re-litigating issues that have already been tried
bringing someone in custody from one state to another state or country
federal question
case or issue involving federal law or constitutional claims
F.2d, F.3d
2nd/3rd sets of published federal appellate decisions
- Federal Reporter series of volumes
grand jury
special jury for criminal law
- determines if evidence is sufficient to warrant a trial
- if evidence is sufficient, grand jury issues INDICTMENT
part of charge weighing most heavily against the accused, the primary subject matter of an issue
pledge property as collateral for a debt
hostile witness
called by one side, but whose interests lie with the other party
testimony contradicted with sufficient proof as to affect witness’s credibility
reestablishing witness’s credibility (following impeachment) with further evidence
formal criminal charge against a person
COUNTS of the indictment are individual acts alleged to have broken the law
an order either forbidding or compelling an action