Vocab development Flashcards
nutrient (n)
any substance that plants/animals need in order to live (substancja odżywcza)
deplete (v)
to reduce sth in size or amount especially supplies of energy/money (wyczerpać)
infestation (n)
situation when animals or insects cause a problem by being present in large numbers (inwazacja tylko że fauny)
remedial (adj)
action intended to improve a bad situation (remedy noun)
replicate (v)
to make something again in exactly the same way (od replika)
magnitude (n)
large size or importance of something (ogrom/znaczenie)
eradicate (v)
to get rid of something completely/destroy something bad (wytępić)
scattered (adj)
covering a wide area (rozsiane)
juvenile (adj)
about a person not old enough to be considered adult (młodociany)
strive (v)
to try hard to do sth/make sth happen (for a long period of time/against difficulties) (starać się)
defendant (n)
[in law] person accused of a crime/ illegal activity (pozwany)
testimony (n)
insecticide (n)
chemical substance to kill insects (insekcydy)
parole (n)
permission for a prisoner to be released before the end of the sentence (zwolnienie warunkowe)
probation (n)
zawiasy…? generalnie staż ale tutaj nie wiem jak to nazwać
adhere (to principles) (v)
to stick firmly (przylegać)
drift (v)
to stray away from the subject (odpływać”)
jerk (v)
(verb) nagły gwaltowny ruch
interval (n)
deprivation (n)
pozbawienie np środków do życia
insanity (n)
did I ever tell you the definition (…)?
alleviate (v)
to make problems less severe (łagodzić) synonim “ease”
disinclination (n)
adequate (adj)
satisfactory or good enough (adekwatny)
consternation (n)
feeling of worry when sth unexpected happens (konseternacja)
fuel (v)
to make a feeling stronger (tankować XD)
enhance (v)
to improve quality of sth (polepszyć)
resilient (adj)
able to return to previous good condition quickly (odporny/sprężysty)
assertive (adj)
showing confident personality and not frightened to say what he/she believes (asertywny)
sustain (v)
to maintain sth (podtrzymywać)
spouse (n)
person’s husband/wife
predisposed (adj)
likely to believe/behave in a certain way (predysponowany)
empower (v)
give power someone to do sth (uprawnić)
desertification (n)
the process by which land becomes dessert
degradation (n)
process by which quality of sth is destroyed/spoilt (degradacja)
depletion (n)
reduction in number of sth (wyczerpanie)
deforestation (n)
cutting down trees in large area (wylesienie)
sophisticated (adj)
able to do complicated task (… language)
irrigation (n)
water supply system (irygacja)
misconcenption (n)
wrong belief/opininon based on faulty thinking (nieporozumienie..?)
drought (n)
long period of extremely low rainfall leading to shortage of water (susza)
abuse (n)
use of sth in a harmful/wrong way (nadużycie)
linear (adj)
relating to straight lines/easy to grasp (prostoliniowy)
substantially (adj)
to a large degree (istotnie…?)
exacerbate (v)
to make sth bad even worse (pogarszać)
scope (n)
the opportunity to do sth (zakres)
irrespective of (adj)
regardless of/not taking sth into account
vital (adj)
absolutely neccessary
disruptive (adj)
causing difficulties or trouble that interupt sth
define (v)
to say the meaning of sth
upheaval (n)
sudden/violent change causing difficulties
bereavement (n)
situation after death of sb close
hallucination (n)
experience involving seeing/hearing things not present
recreational (adj)
done for enjoyment
trigger (v)
cause sth to happen)
compulsion (n)
strong feeling of wanting to behave in a certain way
constitute (v)
be part of a whole
mitigate (v)
to make sth less harmful
neutralise (v)
stop sth form having an effect
reassuring (adj)
making you less worried about sth
destiny (n)
absorption (n)
the process by which a group of ppl becomes part of a larger one
conquest (n)
taking control of sth during war
substantial (adj)
large in amount/value/importance
stagnant (adj)
doesnt grow/develop
starvation (n)
when people die because of having not enough food
verification (n)
process of validation
seek (v)
attempt to find sth
fraudulent (adj)
intended to trick someone / dishonest & illegal
duplicate (v)
to make an exact copy of sth
elaborate (adj)
detailed in design
relapse into (v)
to return to worse state
rehabilitation (n)
to return someone/sth to a good condition
manifestation (n)
sign of somethings existing