Vocab ch 12 Flashcards
Abound v
To be plentiful, be filled
Ant- lack, want
Syn- burst with, overflow with, teem with
Braggart n, adj
A boaster
Boastful in a loud, annoying way
Syn- bigmouth, blowhard
Cache n
A hiding place, something hidden or stored
Syn- stock pile, hoard, store
Clarification n
The act if making clear or understandable, an explanation
Syn- elucidation, explanation
Despondent adj d
Sad, without hope, discouraged
Syn- dejected, depressed, forlorn
Ant- jubilant, elated
Embezzle v
To steal property entrusted to ones care
Syn- swindle, defraud
Heartening adj
Causing mental pain or grief
Syn- moving, sad, heartbreaking, poignant
Ant- amusing, funny, hilarious
Leisurely adj adv
Unhurried, taking plenty of time,
In an easygoing or unhurried way
Syn- slow, relaxed
Ant- hasty, hurried, rushed, hectic
Lethargic adj
Unnaturally sleepy, dull, slow moving, indifferent
Syn- lazy, sluggish, listless
Ant- wide-awake, alert, energetic, dynamic
Malady n
A sickness, illness, disease, disorder
Syn- ailment, indisposition
Ant- health, we’ll-being
Mellow adj v
Ripe, well-matured p, soft, sweet and rich, gentile, pleasant
To become gentle and sweet
Syn- dulcet, creamy
Ant- unripe, greem, harsh, grating, strident
Nomadic adj
Wandering, moving about from place to place
Syn- roving, roaming, vagrant, migratory, illiterate
Ant- stationary, settled, rooted, fixed
Piecemeal adj adv
One piece at a time
Syn- bit by bit
Ant- all at once
Quest n v
A search, hunt
To search, seek, ask
Syn- pursuit, venture
Random adj
By chance, not planned or prearranged, irregular
Syn- haphazard, arbitrary
Ant- planned, deliberate, systematic.
Rant v n
To speak widely and nosily
Loud, violent talk
Syn- rave, fume, spout, harangue
Ant- whisper, mumble
Reinforce v
To make stronger with new materials or support
Syn- strengthen, bolster, prop up, support
Ant- weaken, undermine, sap, impair
Seclusion n
Isolation from others, solicitude
Syn- aloneness, solitaires
Ant- the thick of things
Status n
A persons condition or position in the eyes of the law, relative rank or standing, especially in society, prestige
Syn- situation, recognition
Turmoil n
A state of great confusion or disorder, metal strain or agitation
Syn- upheaval, tumult, chaos
Ant- peace and quiet, order