The average of annual percentage rates offer to highly qualified mortgage bars is used to help determine the market rate threshold for high cost and higher priced mortgage loans under Tila regulations as well for compliance with HMDA
Occurs when a government takes private property for public use the owner receives payment for its market value. The property can proceed to condemnation proceedings. Think of this as mortgage domain expansion.
Eminent domain
A decrease in value or price of a property and it’s contents due to changes in market conditions wear and tear or other factors 
a consumer who has a continuing relationship with a financial institution
A paper
A.k.a. prime loan
A loan offered to low risk bowers who show a strong likelihood of repayment due to high credit scores low loan to value and assets
I charge by the lender to cover administrative cost of making a mortgage. It is paid at the closing and buries with the lender and the type of loan.
Origination fee
When a real estate agent or broker does a validation on a home using a similar process to an appraisal it is used as a tool to see if PMI can be removed
Brokers price opinion
Action done in good faith
Civil penalty
A financial obligation imposed by government authorities upon individual or groups for breaking laws and or rules equals fines an example speeding ticket
Cost paid by borrower at closing could include prorated property tax homeowners insurance flood insurance, private mortgage insurance insurance or the PMI for short
A type of inter-company relationship in which one of the companies owns less than a majority of the other companies stock can also describe a type of inter Company relationship and which at least two different companies are subsidiaries of a larger company think of Jordan to Nike
Compensating factors
Factors such as equity assets, credit score, etc. reflects bars, ability to repay a loan from other sources than just monthly income and monthly debt
Closing cost or settlement cost
Fees for a final property transfer not included in price of property. Typical closing cost are origination fees, discount points, appraisal fees and surveys
As defined by TILA a residential structure that contains one to four units whether or not that structure is attached to a real property. It includes an individual condominium unit cooperative unit home mobile home and trailer.
A clause in a mortgage contract that requires payment in full of the mortgage debt if there is fraud or misrepresentation committed by the borrower during the process of the loan
Due on demand clause
The portion of principle and interest due on a loan that is written off when deem to be uncollectible
Charge off (use written off as a clue)
Changed circumstance
An active God, war disaster, or any emergency any new or changed information particular to the borrower or transaction such as credit quality value of the home etc.
This is a measure of the cost of credit, including interest and other charges expressed as a yearly rate ___ is adjusted for the time value or money so that dollars paid by the borrower upfront carrier a heavyweight then dollars paid in the future, assuming the loan runs to term
APR (annual percentage rate)
A cash asset or an asset that is easily converted into cash such as stocks and bonds
Liquid asset (think of easily converted like LIQUID CONVERTING to ice)