vocab 8/9 Flashcards
What does ‘habitar’ mean?
Inhabit, live in, dwell
What does ‘ser capaz’ mean?
Be able
What does ‘el promedio’ mean?
What does ‘suceder’ mean?
Happen, occur
What does ‘hacer frente/enfrentar’ mean?
To stand up to, face
What does ‘chocar’ mean?
Crash, collide
What does ‘bastar/basta’ mean?
Be enough, have enough
What does ‘sana/estar en forma’ mean?
Keep fit
What does ‘el imán’ mean?
What does ‘se remonta/remontarse’ mean?
Going back to (dated to)
What does ‘remarcar’ mean?
To emphasize
(relcacar, segun, demostrar, enseñar, declarar, expresar)
What does ‘montar’ mean?
To put together, assemble, set up
What does ‘prever’ mean?
To foresee, predict
What does ‘advertir vs avisar’ mean?
Warn, let people know
What does ‘asesorar/el asesor’ mean?
Advise, advisor
What does ‘viviendas’ mean?
House, housing
What does ‘rendirse’ mean?
To quit
What do ‘lastimar’, ‘dañar’, and ‘doler’ mean?
Action of hurting (personas, toros, corazón), damage (medio ambiente, conexion), something hurts me (siento)
What does ‘emprender’ mean?
To start, to take up
What does ‘hallar’ mean?
To find, discover
(decubir, encuentra)
What does ‘la huella’ mean?
Footprint, fingerprint, left behind
What does ‘elegir’ mean?
Choose, select, elect
What does ‘referirse a’ mean?
To refer to, according to
(con referencia a)
What does ‘maneras’ mean?
Ways of doing things
What does ‘envenenar’ mean?
To poison
What does ‘plantear’ mean?
To suggest
(recomendar, proponer)
What does ‘llevar a cabo’ mean?
To carry out
What does ‘deberías’ mean?
You should
What does ‘sacar provecho’ mean?
To take advantage
(tomar ventaja)
What does ‘bromas/bromear’ mean?
(que hago)
What does ‘la pajilla/popote’ mean?
What does ‘tan pronto como’ mean?
As soon as
What does ‘por lo general/generalmente’ mean?
In general
What does ‘picar’ mean?
To sting, to itch, pierce, burn, chop
What is the difference between ‘gratis’ and ‘libre’?
‘Gratis’- free (no carga), ‘libre’ means free (libertad)
What does ‘la población’ mean?
What does ‘quedar en’ mean?
To agree (get together somewhere), stay in
What does ‘demasiado/un montón’ mean?
Too much, a lot
What does ‘acudir’ mean?
To go to
What does ‘adjuntar’ mean?
To attach, to enclose
What does ‘el pico’ mean?
What does ‘la pata’ mean?
Leg, duck (feminino de pato)
What does ‘el ala’ mean?
(alitas para comer)
What does ‘tener cabida’ mean?
Have room for, to fit (topics, situations)
What does ‘ahogar/desahogar’ mean?
Drown, to vent
(llorar, feelings)
What does ‘desempeñar’ mean?
What does ‘el recorrido’ mean?
Tours (turisticos)
What does ‘intentar’ mean?
(tratar de)
What does ‘recaudar’ mean?
(fundas, dinero)
What does ‘la cochera’ mean?
What does ‘el ladrillo’ mean?
What does ‘la teja’ mean?
Tile (roof- techo)
What does ‘señalar’ mean?
Show, point out
What does ‘reemplazar’ mean?