Vocab Flashcards
The nations united against the axis powers during World War II lead by the US great Britain and the USSR
Irrational hostility towards Jews often characterized by discrimination persecution and violence
The name of the Nazis used to describe white non-Jewish Germans specifically Nordic people with blond hair and blue eyes whom the Nazis believe are superior to all other races
Axis powers
The three countries nazis Germany Italy and Japan fighting the allies during World War II
Refusal to do business with the person group or nation for political reasons
Concentration camp
A place of imprisonment for political Foes, members of minority groups or prisoners of war often characterized by harsh conditions Brutal guards and torture
A political philosophy characterized by a dictatorship, extreme nationalism, and suppression of opposition, backed by an aggressive military
Final solution
The Nazi plan to murder every Jew in Europe. It’s full name was final solution to the Jewish question.
The supreme leader of Nazi Germany, adolf Hitler
The systematic killing of a racial, ethnic, or religious group, or destruction of the culture
The terrorist, secret police force of Nazi Germany, infamous for it’s brutal methods of torture, nighttime raids, and mass arrests without cause.
Originally a term referring to the area of European cities to which jews were restricted and where they were required to live. Currently means an economically depressed area populated by a racial or ethnic minority group
The murder of approximately 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany and its allies between 1933 to 1945. Literally the word means a distraction by fire
German term meaning Crystal night for night of broken glass. Refers to the events of November 9 and 10th 1938 when thousands of jewelry shops and synagogues in Germany and Austria were destroyed and 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to labor camps
Abbreviation for the national Socialist German workers party led by Hitler the took power in Germany in 1933