Vocab 7 Flashcards
Exigent (adj)
Pressing; demanding
Extol (v)
To praise enthusiastically
Fetid (adj)
Smelling extremely unpleasant
Flummox (v)
To bewilder
Futile (adj)
Harangue (n) (v)
A lengthy or aggressive speech
To lecture at length in an aggressive and critical manner
Homage (n)
Special honor or respect shown publicly
Idiosyncrasy (n)
A distinct or peculiar feature or characteristic of a place or thing
Incapacitate (v)
To prevent from functioning in a normal way
Indifferent (adj)
Unconcerned, having no particular interest
Integrate (v)
To combine separate parts into a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts
Laud (v)
To praise highly, especially in a public context
Misgiving (n)
A feeling of doubt or apprehension about the consequences of something
Mores (n)
The essential or characteristic customs or conventions of a community
Nebulous (adj)
Unclear, vague, or ill-defined
Pandemic (adj)
Prevalent over a whole country or whole world
Panegyric (n)
A speech or text of praise for someone or something
Paradox (n)
A statement or proposition that, despite sound (or apparently sound) reasoning from acceptable premises, leads to a conclusion that seems senseless, logically unacceptable.
Pedantic (adj)
Being too concerned with literal accuracy or formality in a tiresome way.
Persevere (v)
To continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success.
Pigmentations (n)
The natural coloring of animal or plant tissue
Placate (v)
To make someone less hostile or angry
Plaintive (adj)
Sounding sad or mournful
Ponderous (adj)
- Slow or clumsy because of great weight 2. Dull, laborious, or excessively solemn.
Exhort (v.)
To encourage or urge someone to do something
Procure (v)
To obtain something with care or effort
Prosaic (adj)
Commonplace, unromantic, lacking poetic beauty
Recalcitrant (adj)
Having an obstinately uncooperative attitude toward authority or discipline
Remnant (n)
A small remaining quality of a whole
Reprove (v)
To reprimand someone or something
Repudiate (v)
Refuse to accept or be associated with, to deny the truth of
Sanguine (adj)
Optimistic or positive especially in an apparently bad or distressing situation
Screed (n)
A long speech or piece of writing regarded as tedious
Sheer (adj)
Nothing other than, perpendicular, a very fine nearly transparent fabric
Smug (adj)
Having or showing excessive pride in ones achievement
Spurious (adj)
Not being what it claims, false or fake
Staid (adj)
Respectable, unadventurous, sedate
Sullen (adj)
Pouting in a gloomy manner
Surly (adj)
Bad-tempered and unfriendly
Understate (v)
To describe or represent something as being smaller, worse or less important than it actually is
Unprecedented (adj)
Never done or known before
Utilitarian (adj)
Designed to be practical or useful rather than attractive