vocab 7 Flashcards
Clamber verb
To climb or scramble clumsily with difficulty
Proffer verb
to offer or present something for acceptance or rejection
Efflorescence noun
the state or period of flowering or the process of developing and coming into the open
Enmity noun
the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something
Decorous adjective
conforming to accepted standards of behavior or taste; characterized by propriety and good taste
Indignation noun
anger or annoyance prompted by what is perceived as unfair treatment
Immured verb
to enclose within or as if within walls; to confine
Furtive adjective
marked by stealth; surreptitious; sneaky
Precentor noun
the person responsible for leading the singing of liturgical music in a church or cathedral
Strident adjective
making a harsh, discordant, or grating sound; loud and insistent
Pallidly adverb
in a pale or sickly manner
Suffusion noun
To spread over
Bastion noun
a projecting part of a fortification built at an angle to the line of a wall, used for defensive fire
Ebullience noun
the state of boiling up; enthusiasm; excitement
Errant adjective
deviating from the regular or proper course; stray; wandering or roaming from the proper path
Recriminations noun
an expression of blame or resentment in response to some real or imagined grievance or insult
Tirade noun
a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation
Festoon verb
decorate with or as if with a festoon; to drape or hang in a decorative manner
Oppressive adjective
weighing heavily on the mind or spirits; causing a sense of being oppressed
Tumult noun
a state of great confusion, noise, or disorder; commotion
Inscrutable adjective
difficult or impossible to understand or interpret; mysterious
Vicissitudes noun
a change or variation occurring in the course of something; ups and downs; fluctuations
Declivities noun
a downward slope or inclination; a decline
Tacit adjective
understood or implied without being openly expressed; unspoken
Susurration noun
a soft whispering or rustling sound; murmur