Vocab Flashcards
- absorb the losses of the past year
- she absorbed the information in silence
- the smaller firm was absorbed into the biggee
- the work absorbed him
Seeming to be everywhwre; very common
-the ubiquitous movie star Tom Hanks
Utterly devoid of x
Ohne x
Ich bestehe dass du x tust
I insist you donx
Predicated ob
Power cut
An interruption in the supply of electricity
Retain- behalten,
- the team retained the world coup
- we retain our independence
- the house retains much of its original charm
- she retained her tennis title
Retain the services of a lawyer (unterhalten)
Mit etwas arrangiere
Go along with sth
Stressful job
Unterstützen, verfechten
To espouse
Espouse an idea
Eine entscheidung treffen
Make a decision
I didnt make that decision lightly
An hemandens seite käpfen
Fight beside sb
Searingly honest
Gnadenlos ehrlich
Searingly relevant=sehr sehr wichrig
Wird benutzt um intensität auszudrücken.
A searingly critical judgement
Searingly critical review of sth
Do sth amid sth
He gave up his job amid the inquiry into corruption