Vocab 6 Flashcards
Benevolent (adj) Benevolence (noun) Benevolently (adverb)
Definition: describes someone who is kind and wants to help others.
Synonyms: Kind, caring, generous, compassionate, kind-hearted
Largess (noun)
Definition: generous giving.
Synonyms: Generosity, charity, donation, gift, present
Lavish (adj, verb)
Definition: describes something very fancy, expensive, or given in large amounts. It can also mean giving a lot.
Synonyms: Extravagant, pour, luxurious, opulent, rich, plush
Magnanimous (adj)
Definition: being very generous or forgiving, especially towards enemies or someone less powerful.
Synonyms: big-hearted, generous, forgiving, noble, benevolent, gracious
Munificent (adj) (munificence, noun)
Definition: Munificent describes someone who is very generous.
Synonyms: Generous, lavish, liberal, bountiful, open-handed
Philanthropic (adj) Philanthropist (noun)
Definition: Philanthropic means wanting to help others, especially by giving money to good causes.
Synonyms: Charitable, benevolent, generous, humanitarian, altruistic
Prodigal (adj or noun)
Definition: Prodigal means spending money or resources freely and recklessly. It also can mean someone who spends that money recklessly.
Synonyms: Wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift, imprudent, lavish
Squander (verb)
Definition: to waste something, especially money or time, in a foolish or careless way.
Synonyms: Waste, dissipate, misuse, fritter away
Avaricious (adj) avarice (noun–greed)
Definition: describes someone who is very greedy.
Synonyms: Greedy, covetous, grasping, materialistic, acquisitive
Frugal (adj) frugality (noun)
Definition: being careful about spending money or using resources.
Synonyms: Economical, thrifty, careful, sparing, conservative
Mercenary (adj or noun)
Definition: describes someone who is primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics.
Synonyms: Greedy, materialistic, money-minded, profit-driven, acquisitive
Miserly (adj) Miser (noun)
Definition: being very unwilling to spend money.
Synonyms: Stingy, tightfisted, penny-pinching, cheap, frugal
Parsimonious (adj) parsimony (noun)
Definition: Parsimonious describes someone who is extremely unwilling to spend money.
Synonyms: Stingy, miserly, tight, frugal, penny-pinching
Penurious (adj)
Definition: being very poor OR extremely unwilling to spend money.
Synonyms: Poor, needy, destitute, miserly, stingy
Thrifty (adj)
Definition: using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully.
Synonyms: Economical, frugal, sparing, careful, prudent
Austere (adj) Austerity (noun)
Definition: very simple or strict in the way one lives. Synonyms: Simple, strict, severe, plain, unadorned