Vocab Flashcards
A division within a play, much like chapters of a novel
Lines that are spoken by a character directly to the audience
Cast of characters
A list of characters presented before the action begins
A humorous work of drama
Conversation between two or more characters
A work of literature designed to be performed in front of an audience
Dramatic irony
When the audience or reader knows somewhat that the characters in the story do not know
A character who is nearly opposite of another character; the purpose of a foil (or character foil) is to stark contrast between two characters, often the protagonist and antagonist
Iambic pentameter
A line of poetry that contains 5 iambs of two syllables each
A long speech spoken by a character to himself, another character, or to the audience
A division of an act into smaller parts
Thoughts spoken aloud by a character when he/she is alone, or thinks he/she is alone
Stage directions
Italicized comments that identify parts of the setting or the use of props or costumes, give further information about a character, or provide background information
A serious work of drama in which the hero suffers catastrophe or serious misfortune, usually because if his own actions
Tragic hero
A protagonist with a fatal flaw which eventually lead to his demise
a play on words with similar sounds but more than one spelling or meaning