VocAb Flashcards
Any speech, action, approval, or attribute of the prophet
Hadeeth qudsi
Any saying of the prophet saying the words of Allah
Uloom ul hadeeth
The science of hadeeth
What’s the term sunnah
A habit or custom way of doing things
The narrators in the chain of narrations
The actual text of the hadeeth
Overall good grade hadeeth
Proof is available to show that the hadeeth is fabricated
What are the 5 tests to know the hadeeth is saheeh
1: the chain of narrations must be connected.
2: the narrators must be known for great ethics and religious standards.
3: the person must be known for good memory
4: the text of the narration cannot contradict another text that had a more reliable chains of transmission
5: there can not be any logical problem
who wrote the first hadeeth
Abdullah Ibn Amr
What are the sound books of hadeeth
Saheeh bukhari
Saheeh Muslim
And others
What is ________ that focus on collecting hadeeth relating to fiqh topics
What are books that are organized According to the companion who narrated it.
What are books that include many hadeeth even though the focus of the book was something else.
Books like tafseer ur tabari
What are books called when they categorize narrators who are strong and weak?
Books like tahteeb ut tahteeb
The two main saheeh books and the four Sunan books are called
Al kutub us Sittah
Name the 8 major hadeeth scholars and their books
Imam malik- muwataa' Ahmed Ibn hanbal- musnad Al bukhari- saheeh al bukhari Muslim- saheeh Muslim Abu dawood- Sunan Abu dawood Al tirmithi- Sunan at tirmithi An nasaee'- Sunan un nasaee' Ibn majah- Sunan Ibn majah