Vocab 5 Flashcards
What does ‘abstruse’ mean?
Difficult to understand.
The professor’s circuitous explanation of how to solve the problem was so abstruse that we had trouble following it.
What does ‘accrue’ mean?
- To arise or increase as a natural result or growth, usually with to or from.
- To come as a regular addition.
Hubble’s prodigious knowledge of astronomy accrued from years of studying the heavens.
Interest on the savings account accrues monthly.
What does ‘acquiesce’ mean?
- To accept as inevitable; to comply passively.
Marta felt obliged to acquiesce when her supervisor suggested that she work late.
What does ‘besmirch’ mean?
To stain or tarnish; to make dirty.
“The sole reason for the existence of tabloids,” Amelia asserted, “is to besmirch the reputation of famous people.”
What does ‘explicit’ mean?
Fully and clearly expressed, leaving nothing merely implied.
The explicit directions made assembling the grill a simple task.
What does ‘histrionic’ mean?
Purposefully affected; theatrical.
Minh’s histrionic moans failed to convince the nurse to send her home.
What does ‘impropriety’ mean?
- The quality or state of being improper or unsuitable.
Juan saw no impropriety in hiring his qualified friend for the job.
What does ‘inveigle’ mean?
- To lure or trick into doing something.
By posing as a reporter, the agent inveigled the guard into letting her into the complex.
What does ‘penitent’ mean?
Sorry for having done wrong.
Alan was in a penitent state of mind when realizing that he had disrupted the classroom with his histrionics.
What does ‘probity’ mean?
Honesty; trustworthiness; adherence to virtue.
A high level of probity is expected from workers who handle cash.
What does ‘purport’ mean?
To give or present the often false impression of being someone or intending something.
The woman purports to be a surviving member of the Russian royal family.
What does ‘repercussion’ mean?
An unforeseen or indirect result or effect of an event.
Last fall’s flooding of California farmland will have economic repercussions throughout the county.
What does ‘revelation’ mean?
Something that is made known or revealed, often coming as a surprise.
Ms. Curran’s knowledge of arcane points of property law was a revelation to me.
What does ‘surfeit’ mean?
An overabundant supply; an excess.
The surfeit of evidence left the jury little room for doubts as to the suspect’s guilt.
What does ‘unsavory’ mean?
- Having an unpleasant look, taste, or smell.
- Morally offensive.
The week old sandwich had an unsavory aroma.
More details of the unsavory scandal became known after the mayor assaulted his business partner.