Vocab Flashcards
Emotive meaning
The positive or negative overtones of a word or expression
Cognitive meaning
Terminology that conveys information
Identification advertisements
Sell a product by getting the user to identify with the product
Promise advertisements
Promise to satisfy a need or fear of a customer
Faithfulness to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product
Herd instinct
Tendency to keep our beliefs in line with society
Culture lag
A period of maladjustment when the non material culture is still struggling to adapt to new material conditions
Seeing things exclusively through the eyes of ones group, organization, or affiliation
A rigid attitude that is based in group membership and predisposes an individual to feel, act or think in a negative way toward another person or group
Attributions that cover up individual differences and ascribe certain characteristics to an entire group of people
Partisan mindset
The tendency to perceive evidence and to judge arguments via an “us against them” or a “my right view against your wrong view”
Are supported by small amounts of evidence. We believe them with little evidence and bias.
Wishful thinking
Believing what one wants to be true. Regardless of evidence.
Self- deception
Believing what at a deeper level what we know to be dubious
Attempting to make excuses
A conscious effort to put something out of mind
Pseudoscientific theories
Theories without scientific explanation
Ad hominem
An argument based in the failings if an adversary rather than the merits of the case
Two wrongs make a right
Arguer attempts to justify a wrongful act by claiming that some other act is just as bad or worse
A form of misrepresentation in which a true statement is made to suggest something else
Traditional wisdom
Something is better simply because it is tradition and has always been done
Common practice
A wrong is justified on the grounds not that one other person or group, but rather lots of or most or even all others do the same sort of thing
Irrelevant reason
Premises are wholly irrelevant to drawing the conclusion
A key word or phrase in an argument is used with more than one meaning
Appeal to ignorance
Uses an opponents inability to disprove s conclusion as proof of the conclusions correctness
Because. The parts of a whole have a certain property, it is argued that the whole has that property
When we assume that all or some of the parts of an item have a particular property because the item as a whole has it
Slippery slope argument
An action is objected to on the grounds that once it is taken. Another and then another are bound to be taken down
Slippery slope fallacy
In which a course of action is objected to on the grounds that once taken, it will lead to additional actions.
Appeal to authority
Speaks to the people instead of the evidence
State of being self-contradictatory
Straw man
Easily refutable position
False dilemma
Dilemma that can be shown to be false
Either or
Offering two alternatives when more exsist
Begging the question
Believability of the evidence depends on the believability if the claim
Evading the issue
Avoid answering the question
Questionable premise
Accepting a less believable premise or other statement
Suppressed evidence
Arguer ignores important evidence that requires a different conclusion
Making a token gesture for the real thing