Vocab 4 Flashcards
Affinity(e fin’ te)
(n) a natural attraction to something, a relationship/connection
Billious(bil’ yes)
(adj) irritable or unpleasant
Cognate( kog’ nat)
(adj) closely related in origin, a relative.
Corollary(kor’ e ler e)
(n) a proposition that follows from one already proven. A conclusion or result.
Cul-de-sac(kel’ de sak)
(n) a blind alley or dead-end street. Any situation in which further progress is impossible.
derring-do(der’ ing du)
(n) valor or heroism. Daring deeds or exploits.
Divination(div e na’ shen)
(n) the art or act of predicting the future or discovering hidden knowledge.
elixir(i lik’ ser)
(n) a potion once thought capable of curing all ills and maintaining life indefinitely; a panacea, a sweet liquid.
Folderol( fol’ de rol)
(n) foolish talk, ideas, or procedures; nonsense. Gibberish
Gamut(gam’ et)
(n) an entire range or series. A sweep.
Hoi polloi(hoi pe’ loi’)
(n) the common people, the masses.
Ineffable(in ef’ e bel)
(adj) not expressible in words, too great or sacred to be uttered. inexpressible.
Lucubration(lu kyu bra’ shen)
(n) laborious study or thought, especially at night; the result of such work. Deep thought.
Mnemonic(ni mon’ ik)
(adj) relating to or designed to assist the memory. A reminder.
Obloquy( ob’ le kwe)
(n) public abuse indicating strong disapproval or censure; the disgrace resulting from such treatment. Dishonor. Strong criticism.
parameter(pe ram’ e ter’)
(n) a determining or characteristic element. A limit.
Pundit(pen’ dit)
(n) a learned person; one who gives authoritative opinions. An expert
risible(riz’ e bel)
(adj) pertaining to laughter; able or inclined to laugh. Laughable.
symptomatic(simp te mat’ ik)
(adj) typical or characteristic; being or concerned with a symptom of a disease.
volte-face(volt fas’)
(n) an about-face; a complete reversal. turnabout.