Vocab Flashcards
To contain or limit Soviet expansion
Satellite nation
I nation that is dominated politically or economically buy it more powerful nation
Truman doctrine
Truman statements and communist increase in Turkey
Marshall plan
American initiative to lead Europe and Asia gave $13 billion and economic support to support the rebuild of European economies after World War II
Berlin wall/Berlin airlift
A 20 mile wall that spanned across East and West Berlin to separate the two sides on the Berlin airlift was to give thousands of tons of food and supplies to West Berliners
Warsaw Pact
Pack between a communist nations defensively during the Cold War
United Nations
An organization of Independent states formed in 1945 to promote international peace and security
Joseph McCarthy
United States pull politician who unscrupulously accuse many citizens of being communist
National aeronautics and space administration NASA
The administration that made it possible to go to space. Introduced by Dwight D Eisenhower encouraged peaceful civilian space studies
harsh criticism and disapproval
elete unit used in the Vietnam war
A member of a small independent group taking part in irregular fighting
Domino theory
It once it was communist or totalitarian the surrounding state would become that to
1965 to 68 Lyndon Johnson escalated the Vietnam war to make it go faster
A policy that calls for increased openness and government institutions and activities in the Soviet Union introduced by Mikhail Gorbachev