Vocab 2nd half Flashcards
Iconic Memory
visual sensory memory consisting of a perfect photographic memory, which last no longer than 10 sec. brief visual memories
broad concepts divided and subdivided into narrower concepts and facts
Echoic Memory
momentary sensory memory of auditory stimuli, lasting 3-4 sec.
George Miller
Enshrined recall capacity of the magical number 7, plus or minus 2
Longterm Potentiation (LTP)
increase in synapse firing potential following brief, rapid stimulation. LTP is believed to be neural basis for learning and memory.
a loss of memory
Implict Memory
memories of skills, preferences, and dispositions, these are processed by the cerebellum.
Explicit Memory
memories of facts, including names, images, and events. Called Declarative Memories
neural center in limbic system that is important in processing of explicit memories for storage
“Little Brain” receives information from the sensory system, the spinal cord, and other parts of the brain
measure of retention in which one need to identify, rather than recall, previously learned in formation
measure of retention in which the person must remember, with few retrieval cues, information learned earlier
measure of retention that the less time it takes to relearn information, the more that the information can be retained
the activation, often unconscious, of a web of associations in memory in order to retrieve specific memories
Deja Vu
is the false sense that you have already experienced the current situation