Vocab Flashcards
Indecorous (adj)
Violating generally accepted standards of good taste or propriety
Entail (v)
To limit the passage of estate to a specific line of heirs (usually males)
Barouche (n)
A four week carriage with high front seat
Amiable (adj)
Friendly, sociable
Connoisseur (n)
A person with expert knowledge of training especially in fine arts
Inquietude (n)
Restlessness or uneasiness
Insinuations (n)
An indirect suggestion or hint
Acquiescence (n)
An agreement or consent by silence or without objection
Approbation (n)
Vulgar (n)
Crude, coarse, unrefined
A light two wheel carriage drawn by two horses
Mortified (v)
To cause to experience shame, humiliation or wounded pride.
Coxcomb (n)
A foolish person
Constitution (n)
Physical character of the body (strength, health)
Fortitude (n)
Mental and emotional in facing difficulty