Vocab 2 Flashcards
Resounding speech/victory
To echo or ring with sound; To be celebrated or notably important; uttered loudly.
Eg: His name resounds in the pages of history.
To cause; to do; to provide; to perform; to deliver; etcetera.
Eg: To Render aid/a service/a verdict.
A Ballot
Aprocess of voting. A slip or sheet of paper, machine, or the like, on which a voter marks his or her vote; voting in general or a round of voting.
Being in a state of agitation or tumult; essentially disturbed; given to acts of aggression and violence.
Highly distressing agitation of mind or feeling; Violent and noisy commotion or disturbance of a crowd or mob; uproar.
Eg: The tumult reached its height during the premier’s speech
Seemingly absurd or self-contradictory; but in reality may seem true.
Something that takes place after or as a result of an earlier event; a result or consequence.
Hold or express opinions that are at variance with the ones that are commonly or officially expressed; basically to differ in opinion or sentiment.
To show or illustrate by example;
Eg: The series of Sherlock exemplify the zenith of man’s thinking.
To express one’s disappointment in their actions.
Eg: Her friends reproached her for her behaviour.
To fill oneself with food; eat a large amount greedily; Also it means a narrow valley.
Eg: He gorged an entire pie all by himself.
A magical power or process of transformation, creation or combination.
Eg: Finding the person who’s right for you requires a very subtle alchemy.
An event causing great and unusually sudden damage or suffering; a disaster.
Eg: An environmental catastrophe.
To weave/blend/mix together; intertwine.
Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
Eg: Aesthetic sense.
A theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for one’s behaviour.
Marked by variety;
Eg: The subject’s variegated strands or his variegated observations.
Showing lack of courage or confidence; easily frightened.
Eg: He was too timid to ask for what he wanted. His timid behaviour was the reason behind the failure of his interview.
Admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering.
Eg: He was resolute in his fight to uphold liberal values.
Showing hesitancy or feeling hesitant; uncertain or not sure of.
To pass beyond the limits of; To be greater than; surpass someone or something; to exist above.
Eg: Emotions that transcend understanding. Love that transcends infatuation. Transcend the phenomena.
To praise enthusiastically.
To make ( something bad or unsatisfactory ) better.
Eg: The new policy schemes have done much to ameliorate living standards of the poor.
To asses the value or quality of; to asses the performance; to set a price or value; estimate; quote.
They appraised the jewels at Rs. 13 lakhs.
A passionate expression of grief or sorrow or disappointment; a complaint:
Means that one has recently or suddenly risen to an unaccustomed position of wealth or power and has not yet gained the prestige, dignity, or manner associated with it.
Eg: Little parvenus - young upstarts.
Making moral observations
Eg: The author’s tone was didactic.
The art or science of teaching; education; instructional methods.
Pertaining to diet or to regulation of the use of food.
Provincial, rural, or socially distinct variety of a language that differs from the standard language, especially when considered as substandard.
(of a scale, interval, etc.) involving only notes proper to the prevailing key without chromatic alteration.
(of a melody or harmony) constructed from a diatonic scale.
Referring to the time when the heart is in a period of relaxation and dilatation (expansion).
Noun form: Diastole
Ready or willing to answer; open to influence, persuasion, or advice; agreeable; submissive; tractable:
Eg: An amenable servant.
Liable to be called to account; answerable; legally responsible.
Eg: You are amenable for this debt.
Any object made by human beings, especially with a view to subsequent use.
Pertaining to or of the nature of a union of states under a central government distinct from the individual governments of the separate states, as in federal government; federal system.
(Military)to spread out (troops) so as to form an extended front or line.
To arrange in a position of readiness, or to move strategically or appropriately.
Eg: To deploy a battery of new missiles.
Canon of
A fundamental principle or general rule.
Eg: The canons of good behavior; in the canon of the humanities and social sciences.
Readily perceived by the eye or the understanding; evident; obvious; apparent; plain.
Eg: A manifest error.
A public declaration of intentions, opinions, objectives, or motives, as one issued by a government, sovereign, or organization.
Eg: No party fulfills their manifesto.
To come into perceptible existence; appear; become actual or real; be realized or carried out; bringing it in ACTION.
Eg: Materialize your plans and see what wonders it would work for you.
Operating or proceeding in an inconspicuous or seemingly harmless way but actually with grave effect; deceitful.
Eg: An insidious disease/plan/troop.
Understood without being openly expressed; implied; silent; saying nothing; unvoiced or unspoken:
Eg: tacit approval; a tacit partner; a tacit prayer; a tacit proposal.
Famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed; widely and unfavourably known.
Eg: He is a very notorious student indeed; A notorious gambler; A newspaper that is notorious for its sensationalism.
The writer or editor of a newspaper or magazine column.
To speak harmful untruths about; speak evil of; slander; defame.
Eg: To malign an honorable man.
A highly successful; unexpected move; clever action or accomplishment.
Eg: The military staged four coups in the last few decades.