vocab 2 Flashcards
racial segregation
destruction of a group of people due to their ethnicity, religoin, race or nationality
supports equality
status indian
- registered or treaty indians
reduction of manufacturing within an economy
columbian exchange
trade between the america’s and europe of goods as well as disease
historical globalization
began as people travelled for knowledge and trade
extension of power over other countries in a more indirect approach
fur trade
europeans would trade with indigenous peoples for fur
residential schools
- aboriginal kids were forced to attend
- restricted from not practicing their culture
- last school closed in (1996)
the indian act
laws specific to indigenous peoples that worked toward assimilating indigenous culture
land claims
address wrongs made against Indigenous peoples
numbered treaties
were used to assimilate Indigenous peoples into Canadian society
inhabited newfoundland originally
- there are no descendants
the pass system
Indigenous people had to present a travel document authorized by an Indian agent in order to leave and return to their reserves
the scramble for africa
when imperial countries gained control over africa
- the berlin conference
adam smith
believed that states can create more wealth by not trading
rwandan genocide
Hutu population who planned to kill the minority Tutsi population
british east india company
strived to exploit indian and asian products
- acted as an agent of British imperialism in India
the atlantic slave trade
transportation of african’s to the america’s to be slaves
one social group is able to take for itself what is produced by another group
seeing things based on the belief system of europeans
evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one’s own culture
a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for rather than by the state
moving something out of its place
imperialism (old vs new)
old imperialism was the founding of new land and new imperialism was moreso colonization
acquiring political control over another country
reduction in the population of the area
white man’s burden
the white race felt obligated to “civilize” other races
area under the political control of another country
- occupied by settlers from that country
steam engine
industrial revolution
the era when industry became mechanized
resources taken from colonies by imperial power are manufactured and sold back to the colonies
the silk road
trade route that can be traced back to 3rd century BCE
racial segregation
destruction of a group of people due to their ethnicity, religoin, race or nationality
supports equality
- registered or treaty indians
status indian
reduction of manufacturing within an economy
trade between the america’s and europe of goods as well as disease
columbian exchange
began as people travelled for knowledge and trade
historical globalization
extension of power over other countries in a more indirect approach
europeans would trade with indigenous peoples for fur
fur trade
- aboriginal kids were forced to attend
- restricted from not practicing their culture
- last school closed in (1996)
residential schools
laws specific to indigenous peoples that worked toward assimilating indigenous culture
the indian act
address wrongs made against Indigenous peoples
land claims
were used to assimilate Indigenous peoples into Canadian society
numbered treaties
inhabited newfoundland originally
- there are no descendants
Indigenous people had to present a travel document authorized by an Indian agent in order to leave and return to their reserves
the pass system
when imperial countries gained control over africa
- the berlin conference
the scramble for africa
believed that states can create more wealth by not trading
adam smith
Hutu population who planned to kill the minority Tutsi population
rwandan genocide
strived to exploit indian and asian products
- acted as an agent of British imperialism in India
british east india company
transportation of african’s to the america’s to be slaves
the atlantic slave trade
one social group is able to take for itself what is produced by another group
seeing things based on the belief system of europeans
evaluation of other cultures according to preconceptions originating in the standards and customs of one’s own culture
a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for rather than by the state
moving something out of its place
old imperialism was the founding of new land and new imperialism was moreso colonization
imperialism (old vs new)
acquiring political control over another country
reduction in the population of the area
the white race felt obligated to “civilize” other races
white man’s burden
area under the political control of another country
- occupied by settlers from that country
steam engine
the era when industry became mechanized
industrial revolution
resources taken from colonies by imperial power are manufactured and sold back to the colonies
trade route that can be traced back to 3rd century BCE
the silk road