Vocab 2 Flashcards
A (algunas) veces
Sometimes, at times
A bordo
On board
A ciegás
A diario
A fin de cuentas
In the end, after all (is said and done), in the final analysis
A fondo
Thoroughly, in detail
A la + nationality (f)
In (nationality) style
La carrera
Quickly, on the run
A la fuerza
By force
A la larga
In the long rub
A la vez
At the same time
A lo largo
Throughout, along
A lo lejos
In the distance, far off, at a distance
A más tardar
At the latest
A muendo
Often, frequently
A mi parecer
In my opinion
A pie
On foot, walking
A propósito
By the way
A Silas
A su vez
In turn
A tiempo
On time
A tropezones
Kicking and screaming
A última hora
At the last minute
A ver
Let’s see
Ahora mismo
Right now, right away, at once
Ahora mismo
Right now, right away, at once
Al aire libre
Al amanecer
At dawn, at daybreak
Al anochecer
at dusk, at nightfall
Al contado
Cash, for cash
Al contrario
On the contrary
Al fin
Finally, at last
Al fin y al cabo
In the end, after all (is said and done)
Al menos
At least