Vocab Flashcards
A hint or clue about what might happen later in the story. E.g- “I told myself this is the end of my trouble, but I didn’t believe myself…”
Provides a time and place for the story to occur and help establish atmosphere. E.g- “a small quiet town nestled in the hills, where time seems to slow down.”
Pathetic fallacy
A figure of speech that describes nature or inanimate things in sympathetic ways towards events and characters. E.g- “I wandered lonely as a cloud”
The authors attitude or that is reflected in the style of writing such as sarcasm and humour. E.g- “they’re really on top of things.” (To people who are very disorganized.)
The feeling evoked in the reader. “It was a dark and stormy night.”
Character working against the main character. E.g- “the bad guy”
The major idea or authors message in the story. E.g- “be nice to everyone you don’t know what someone is going through.” (Love, forgiveness)
Pictures created by the authors use of words, playwright way of creating an atmosphere and imaginative yet vivid description. E.g- “the ocean was dark, no boats in the water, and clouds were fluffy.”
A comparison of two unlike things without using like or as. E.g- “he is a lion on the felid”
A comparison of two unlike things using like or as. E.g- her eyes are as blue as the ocean.
1st person perspective
The narrator is in the action and tells the story from their point of view. E.g- I, we, me, etc.
3rd person perspective
The narrative is outside the action. E.g- they, he, she, them, etc.
An object or word that may have more than one hidden meaning/ representing something. E.g- roses stand for romance
A reference to a person, character, place, and deepening readers understanding. E.g-
Exaggerates conditions for emphasis or effect. E.g- I’m so hungry I can eat a horse.
A speech delivered by a character alone on the stage, and able to talk to themselves. E.g- “farewell god knows we shall meet again” Romeo and Juliet
A short speech or remark given by a character, supposed to be unheard. E.g- “she made a joke about the food, that she muttered quietly.”
Dramatic irony
Used in a narrative when an event occurs that the audience understands but characters don’t. E.g- Romeo drinks poison to kill himself and hen the audience knows Juliet will wake up since she isn’t actually dead.
A figure of speech that’s represented by human qualities of nature, and is portrayed of having human feelings. E.g- “faith knocked on the door fear answered”
Situation irony
Something happens which is the opposite of what is intended or expected. E.g- A professional diver does a belly flop.
Comic relief
Insertion of comedy or humour during on otherwise serious moments, to subvert the heavy mood for a brief period of time. E.g- making a joke over a pet dying to provide relief from their grief.
Main character, or hero. E.g- one of the main characters in the story who is a lawyer helps resolve certain matters throughout the story.