Vocab Flashcards
The ability to analyze a concept or problem
Analytical Skills
Documented, unbroken transfers of evidence; paper trail
Chain of Custody
Evidence used to imply a fact, not support it directly
Circumstantial Evidence
Material that connects a individual or thing to a crime
Class Evidence
Approach of scientific and legal professional working together to solve a crime
Crime Scene Investigators
A permanate fixed point of reference to map a crime scene
Datum Point
Derive a conclusion from facts using logical steps
Deductive reasoning
Evidence that allegedly supports a fact of a case
Direct Evidence
Someone who as seen something or someone related to a crime
Eye witness
A statement or information that can be verfified
The first safety official to arrive at the crime scene
First responders
Application of science knowledge to legal questions
Kind of evidence that identifies a particular person or thing
Individual Evidence
Reasoned with facts
What a person perceives with their senses
A folded paper used to trace evidence
Paper Bindle
Personal belief founded on judgement
Information received from the senses
Another location related to the primary Crime scene where evidence is found
Secondary Prime scene
Location where the crime took place
Primary Crime Scene
Small but traceable amounts of physical or biological material
Trace evidence
A mathematical method of estimation positions of objects