vocab Flashcards
Elemental Shapes
Basic shapes such as a brick, sphere, cylinder, pyramid, wedge, and cone.
The border that surrounds and frames a composition.
Visual Overlap
Arranging shapes so that one overlaps another to create depth in the picture.
Positive Space
The space inside any closed shape.
Negative Space
The space outside of any closed shape.
Using a range of light and dark marks to describe volume and model a subject’s form.
The continuous line that forms around the perimeter of a series of overlapping shapes.
Any drawn or painted shape that represents an object.
A 2D surface to which a designis applied. Eg. Paper, Canvas, etc…
The organization of all visual elements and principles. To discuss the formal aspects of a work of art is to talk about it’s visual organization. Formal discussions do not involve content or concept.
The objects or scenes depicted in a work of art.
The idea underlying a work of art or design; the meaning of a work of art; sometimes seen in comparison to Form.
Picture Plane
The surface area of a drawing, painting, print, etc.
The actual and visual feel of surface areas.
An implied visual sensation through repetition of an element or through a progressive change of an element. E.g. repeating elements tracking across any composition creates movement.
Light Source
A note in the margins of the drawing that describes where light is comingfrom.
Light Direction
Where light is emanatingand how it consistentlyaffects the values and shadows of subjects in the drawing.
Axis Line
A technique of measuring whereby artists divide a form using a straight line.
Emphasis is when the artist creates an area of the composition that is visually dominant and commands the viewer’s attention. This is often achieved by contrast.
Focal Point
A focal point is the most visually interesting area of the composition. There can be multiple focal points, within a composition, organized in a hierarchy of dominant to subordinate.
The process of structuring a coherent field of relationships which are imaginative and visually interesting.
- The representation of natural forms which deals with artistic ideals or conventions more than observation.