Vocab Flashcards
What is versimilitude?
the quality of seeming true or of having the appearance of being real in a work of literature. (real)
What is conflict?
The struggle between opposing forces that drives the plot in a story (the problem)
What is symbol?
An object or action that represents something more than its literal meaning (object that represents something)
What is chorus?
A group of characters in a play who comment on the action without participating in it (commenters)
What is soliloquy?
in a play where a character talks to themselves, revealing their thoughts to the audience (monologue)
What is antihero?
a central character in a story who lacks traditional heroic qualities an often has flaws or attributes typically associated with villains (villain)
What is denotation?
the literal or primary meaning of a word (meaning of word)
What is alliteration?
the repetition of the same sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words (repetition of connected words)
What is connotation?
the emotional or cultural associations attached to a word, beyond its literal meaning or speech (meaning behind a word; emotional or cultural)
What is allusion?
an indirect reference to a person, place, event, or literary work (reference to something)
What is understatement?
a figure of speech in which a write or speaker deliberately makes the situation seem less important or serious than it actually is (less important that it seems)
What is imagery?
the use of vivid and descriptive language to create pictures or images in the reader’s mind (making pictures with words)
What is sonnet?
a fourteen-line poem, usually in the iambic pentameter, with specific rhyme scheme (fourteen-line poem)
What is foreshadowing?
a literary technique used to hint at events that will occur later in the story (hints at future events)
What is rhythm?
the patter of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of poetry or prose (pattern)
What is denouement?
the final resolution or outcome of a story of play (final outcome)
What is motif?
a recurring element or idea in a work of literature that contributes to the theme (recurring)
What is dialogue?
a conversation between two or more characters in a literary work (conversation)
What is irony?
a situation or statement in which the actual outcome or meaning is opposite to what was expected (opposite of expected)
What is assonance?
the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words in a line of text (repetition of vowel)
What is archetype
a typical character, action, or situation that represents universal patters of human nature in literature
What is the child archetype?
innocent and naive
childish (regardless of age)
not based on age rather than a mindset
What is the hero archetype?
displays courage in time of danger
sacrifices themselves for the greater good
moral excellence
What is the mentor archetype?
imparts wisdom and knowledge
helps someone through difficult times
wise but not old