Vocab 13 Flashcards
Luminous ( adj )
Characterised by brightness and emission of light
Malevolent gadf)
Having or showing often viciay ill will, spite, or hatred ( noun _ malevolence )
Malleable ( adj )
Capable of being shaped or formed; tractable; pliable
Mendacity ( noun,)
The condition of being untruthful; dishonesty ( adj _ mendacious,)
Meticulous ( adj )
Charederized by extreme Care and precision; attentive to detail,
Misanthrope ( noun 7)
One who hates all other humans ( adj - misanthropic )
Mitigate ( verb )
To make or become less severe or intense; to moderate
Obdurate (adj)
Unyielding; hardhearted; intractable
Obsequious (adj)
Exhibiting a fawning attentiveness
Occlude (verb)
To obstruct or block
Opprobrium (roun )
Disgrace; contempt; scorn
Pedagogy (noun)
The profession or principles of teaching or instructing
Pedantic (adj)
Overly concerned with the trivial details of learning or education; show-offish about one’s knowledge
Penury ( noun )
Poverty; destitution
Pervasive (adj)
Having a tendency to permeate or spread throughout