Vocab Flashcards
Social Darwinism
A theory popularized by imperialist nations that applied the same rules charles darwin had for plants and animals but to different races of people.
Belgian Congo
A time when King Leopard the second of belgium would claim Congo as a colony and commit atrocities in the colony to gain the resources.
Berlin Conference
A meeting held in Germany consisting of european powers and a couple asian ones to discuss the dividing of territory in Africa.
Settler colonies
Territories outside of eroupe in which enough europeans migrated that they would out number the indigenous population.
Suez Canal
A canal built in Egypt after Muhammad Ali gained control started in 1859 and completed in 1869.
Boxer Rebellion
An uprising in China following the hostility of both the opium wars and taiping rebellion which caused negative feeling towards foreigners. This was a peasant uprising turned to a government supported one.
Creation of Zulu Kingdom
When Saka came into power as chief in Zulu he would take young men from all over the kingdom and train them in military tactics. He would then push out the british smaller army out of the area until for troops were sent later on.
Indian Rebellion of 1857
Widespread rebellion in agents the british beginning successful and eventually falling after a larger army arriving.
Tupac Amaru II’s Rebellion in Peru
The leader of a colony in Peru who led a revolt against the spanish empire. The rebellion was ultimately unsuccessful and Tupac Amaru was beheaded in 1781
Xhosa Cattle-Killing Movement
In South Africa the Xhosa would kill cows the remove the bad spirits while at war with the british.
Export Economy
A nation where most of their profit comes from exporting products to other nations.
Economic Imperialism
When a nation would use another’s nation to extort trade and hold control through influence and economic supremacy.
Opium Wars
Wars in Quing Dynasty China fought against the british due to their refusal to sell opium in their borders. The british would win twice over due to their technological advancements.
Chinese and Indian Indentured Servitude
A system of labor re popularized by europeans following the abolishment of slavery. They generally had poor working conditions.
Migrant workers
When workers were encouraged to travel to other nations for jobs but also education. This was common in Japanese going to the U.S and Italians going to Argentina.
Chinese Exclusion Act
An Act implemented by the U.S and was the first major restriction to immigration that was specific to a nationality.
Ethnic Enclave
Groups of immigrants living in the same area by their ethnicity.
White Australia Policy
A policy in Australia effectively banning the immigration of all no white europeans in Australia.