vocab Flashcards
Accelerated benefits rider
rider that allows for the early payment of some portion of the policies face amount should the insured suffer from a terminal illness or inquiry.
Accidental means provision
unforeseen, unexpected, unintended cause of an accident. Requirement of an accident based policy that the cause of the mishap must be accidental for any claim to be payable.
accumulation unit
premiums an annuitant pays into annuities are credited as accumulation units. At the end of accumulation period, they are converted in to annuity units.
Adjustable Life Insurance
combines features of both term and whole life coverage.
Adverse Selection
against the company.
Feature of Insurance contracts in that there is an element of chance for both parties and that the dollar given by the PH and the insurer many not be equal.
one to whom the annuity is payable
A contract that provides a stipulated sum payable at certain regular intervals during the lifetime of one or more persons, or payable for a specified period only.
Apparent Authority
The authority an agent appears to have, based on the principles actions, words, deeds, or because of circumstances the principle created.
Automatic Premium Loan
Authorizes Insurer to automatically pay any premium in default at the end of the grace period and charge the amount so paid against the life insurance policy as a policy loan.
Blackout Period
period following the death of a family breadwinner during which no social security benefits are available to the surviving spouse
Cash Deferred arrangements
A qualified employer retirement plan under which employees can differ amounts of their salaries into a retirement plan. These amounts are not included in the employees gross income are TAX DEFERRED
Cash refund annuity
upon the death of an annuitant before payments totaling the purchase price have been made, the excess of the amount paid by the purchaser over the total annuity payments received will be paid in one sum to designated beneficiaries.
Cash Surrender Option
nonforfeiture option that allows whole life insurance policy owners to receive a payout of their policy’s cash values
extends group health coverage to terminated employees and their families.
Collateral assignment
Assignment of a policy to a creditor as security for debt. Creditor is entitled to be reimbursed out of policy proceeds for the amount owed. Beneficiary is entitled to any excess of policy proceeds over the amount due.
Consideration Clause
Part of an Insurance contract setting forth the amount of initial and renewal premiums and frequency of future payments.
constable period
period during which the company may contest a claim on a policy because of misleading or incomplete information in the application
Cost of living rider
rider available with some policies that provides for an automatic increase in benefits, offsetting the effects of inflation.
Credit Life Insurance
usually written as a decreasing term on a relatively small decreasing balance installment loan that may reflect direct borrowing or a balance due for merchandise purchased. If borrower dies, benefits pay balance due.
Deferred Annuity
provides for postponement of the commencement of an annuity until after a specified period or until the annuitant attains a specified age. Can be single premium or flexible premium.
Policy owners share in the divisible surplus of a company issuing insurance on the participating plan.
Dividend Options
cash, reduction of premium, additional paid-up insurance, left on deposit at interest, or as additional term insurance
enhanced whole life
whole life policy in which dividends are used to provide extra death benefits or to reduce future premiums.
legal impediment to denying the consequences of ones actions or deeds if they lead to detrimental actions by another
exclusion rider
health insurance policy rider that waives insurers liability for all future clams on a preexisting condition