vocab Flashcards
a single thing or person
one thing, a value, a characteristic that can be measured or recorded
Categorical Variable
variables based on a quality (color,size,etc)
Quantitative Variable
variables based on a number/count, something measurable
DIscrete Variables
variables countable in a finite amount of time (coins in your pocket, money in your bank account)
Continuous Variables
keeps going, impossible to ever finish counting
Univariate Data
observations on only one characteristic or value
Bivariate Data
data for two variables, usually related (ice cream sales and temperature on that day)
the pool from which a sample is drawn, the whole group
a group taken from the population to make it more manageable
collection of data from an entire population
values and likelihoods of those values
a guess or conclusion drawn from data
Frequency Table
a table that lists items and the number of times they occur
Relative Frequency Table
frequency table that also shows the number of times something occurs/the total trials
Round-off error
the difference between a correct solution and a solution found using fewer decimals
Pie Chart
a circular statistics graphic, divided into pieces to demonstrate proportion
Bar Graph
a graph that depicts categorical data using proportional bars
Two-way table
a table used to display frequencies or relative frequencies, one variable represented by a row, one by a column
Marginal DIstribution
describes a segment of the data, the distribution of either the x or y variable
Conditional Distribution
the probability distribution for a sub population
Segmented Bar Graph
a bar graph that compares two or more categories within a data set
Side-by-Side Bar Graph
different categories are placed next to each other for easy comparison within a data set
a statistical relationship between two variables
Simpson’s Paradox
a phenomenon in probability and statistics in which a trend appears in several groups of data but disappears or reverses when the groups are combined
graph with data points plotted as dots on an x and y axis
measures of shape describe distribution in a data set
the number that is repeated most often
the middle of a distribution
how similar or different a set of values are for a specific variable
difference between lowest and highest value
a data point that differs significantly from the other values
when the values of variables appear at regular frequencies and the mean, median, and mode all occur at the same point. two sides that mirror one other.
Skewed Right
distribution is one in which the tail is on the right side
Skewed Left
distribution is one in which the tail is on the left side
having one mode
having two modes
having many modes
Stem Plot
a way to plot data where the data is split into stems (the largest digit) and leaves (the smallest digits)
Back-to-Back Stem
Used to compare two sets of data. The leaves for one set of data are on one side of the stem, and the leaves for the other are on the other side
Splitting Stems
stem-and-leaf plots that have more than 1 space on the stem for the same interval.
usually a graph showing relationship between two variables, technique for representing a data set
display of statistical information that uses rectangles to show the frequency of data items
the average, sum of all values over number of values
middle number of all values in sorted ascending order
middle 50%, 75%-25%, between upper and lower quartiles
Five-number summary
q1,q3,median, maximum, minimum- numbers that give you information about a data set
method for graphically depicting groups of numerical data through their quartiles.
Standard Deviation
tells you how spread out the data is from the mean
refers to a statistical measurement of the spread between numbers in a data set.