Vocab 1 Flashcards
What connects structures within the same hemisphere?
Association fibers
What connects area of the right hemisphere with that in the left?
Commissural fibers
What project from one area of the CNS to a more distant part of the CNS?
Projection fibers
What connects the two cerebral hemispheres?
Corpus Callosum
What is unaware or denial of illness?
What is “pusher syndrome”
- Altered perception of body orientation leads to pushing the body to the contralateral side
- May be seen with the injury to the thalamus
- More common with right hemi injuries
What is is a set of structures in the brain that deal with emotions and memory.
Limbic system
- What is names of colors printed using ink of a different color than the name.
- Name the color of the ink and not the words as fast as you can with the fewest errors?
Stroop task
What is showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
What is the loss of the ability to create new memories, leading to a partial or complete inability to recall the recent past, even though long-term memories from before the event which caused the amnesia to remain intact.
anterograde amnesia
What is also called upper motor neuron dysarthria. It is a motor speech problem characterized by a harsh, low‐pitched, slow, monotonous verbal output that sounds strained or strangled
Spastic dysarthria
What is motor planning deficit?
-The inability to perform tasks when asked despite intact sensation, muscle function, coordination and understanding of the task.
Apraxia (Motor)
What is unable to act out or imitate an action for a learned task.
-Likely still able to perform an action spontaneously.
(Ex: pretending to use a hammer)
Ideomotor Apraxia
What is the inability to establish a sequence of motor movements to complete a multistep functional task?
- May complete steps of ta task in the incorrect order.
- May select an incorrect tool for a task.
- May incorrectly use a tool even if the correct tool is selected.
Ex: dressing
Ideational and conceptual apraxia
What deals with producing tone, rhythm, gestures during speech (verbal or sign language)