Vocab 1 Flashcards
Temporary suspension
abeyance (n)
Characterized by a mixture of opposite feelings or attitudes
ambivalent (adj)
To annoy persistently; harass
Beleaguer (v)
Unrestricted power to act at one’s own discretion; unconditional authority
Corte Blanche (n)
Any overwhelming flood of water
Wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity (event itself)
Debauch (n)
To corrupt morally; lead away from virtue (trying to accomplish)
Debauch (v)
Great brilliance as of performance or achievement; success
Eclat (n)
Hard to please
Fastidious (adj)
To dance/skip about in play
Gambol (v)
To permeate or saturate
Imbue (v)
Partly but not fully in existence or operation
Inchoate (adj)
Humorous and often malicious satire
Lampoon (n)
To mock or ridicule in satire
Lampoon (v)
Capable of being shaped; adaptable
Malleable (adj)